Blood (Tank) Lazy Macro – 4.3

Hello everyone, I’m back with more lazy macros. This time is for Blood spec DK’s, it consists of a decent rotation to keep the runes in cooldown to gain extra buffs and Festering Strike to extend the time on the diseases.

There are 2 flavors of versions, 1 of them is for DK’s with talent points on Crimson Scourge and 1 for those who does not have this talent.

Version 1 - This one is for Blood spec that has points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for free Blood Boil proc:

/castsequence [mod]Blood Boil;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Heart Strike,Death Strike,Festering Strike,Rune Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon
/use 13

[toggle title=“Deutsch”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Siedendes Blut;reset=target/5 Eisige Berührung,Seuchenstoß,null
/castsequence Herzstoß,Todesstoß,Schwärender Stoß,Runenstoß
/castsequence reset=20 Horn des Winters,Blutwandlung,Ausbruch,Tanzende Runenwaffe
/cast Runenwaffe verstärken
/use 13

[toggle title=“Español”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Hervor de sangre;reset=target/5 Toque helado,Golpe de peste,null
/castsequence Golpe en el corazón,Golpe letal,Golpe purulento,Golpe con runa
/castsequence reset=20 Cuerno de invierno,Transfusión de sangre,Brote,Arma de runa danzante
/cast Potenciar arma de runas
/use 13

[toggle title=“Français”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Furoncle sanglant;reset=target/5 Toucher de glace,Frappe de peste,null
/castsequence Frappe au cœur,Frappe de mort,Frappe purulente,Frappe runique
/castsequence reset=20 Cor de l'hiver,Drain sanglant,Poussée de fièvre,Arme runique dansante
/cast Renforcer l'arme runique
/use 13

[toggle title=“Português Brasileiro”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Sangue Fervente;reset=target/5 Toque Gélido,Golpe da Peste,null
/castsequence Golpe no Coração,Golpe da Morte,Ataque Supurante,Golpe Rúnico
/castsequence reset=20 Berrante do Inverno,Transfusão de Sangue,Eclosão,Arma Rúnica Dançante
/cast Energizar Arma Rúnica
/use 13

[toggle title=“Русский”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Вскипание крови;reset=target/5 Ледяное прикосновение,Удар чумы,null
/castsequence Удар в сердце,Удар смерти,Удар разложения,Рунический удар
/castsequence reset=20 Зимний горн,Кровоотвод,Вспышка болезни,Танцующее руническое оружие
/cast Усиление рунического оружия
/use 13

Macro Explanation:

Version 2 - This one is for Blood spec that does NOT have any points in Crimson Scourge talent with a modifier for dump runic power with Rune Strike:

/castsequence [mod]Rune Strike;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,null
/castsequence Heart Strike,Death Strike,Festering Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Deutsch”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Runenstoß;reset=target/5 Eisige Berührung,Seuchenstoß,null
/castsequence Herzstoß,Todesstoß,Schwärender Stoß
/castsequence reset=20 Horn des Winters,Blutwandlung,Ausbruch,Tanzende Runenwaffe
/cast Runenwaffe verstärken
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Español”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Golpe con runa;reset=target/5 Toque helado,Golpe de peste,null
/castsequence Golpe en el corazón,Golpe letal,Golpe purulento
/castsequence reset=20 Cuerno de invierno,Transfusión de sangre,Brote,Arma de runa danzante
/cast Potenciar arma de runas
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Français”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Frappe runique;reset=target/5 Toucher de glace,Frappe de peste,null
/castsequence Frappe au cœur,Frappe de mort,Frappe purulente
/castsequence reset=20 Cor de l'hiver,Drain sanglant,Poussée de fièvre,Arme runique dansante
/cast Renforcer l'arme runique
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Português Brasileiro”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Golpe Rúnico;reset=target/5 Toque Gélido,Golpe da Peste,null
/castsequence Golpe no Coração,Golpe da Morte,Ataque Supurante
/castsequence reset=20 Berrante do Inverno,Transfusão de Sangue,Eclosão,Arma Rúnica Dançante
/cast Energizar Arma Rúnica
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Русский”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Рунический удар;reset=target/5 Ледяное прикосновение,Удар чумы,null
/castsequence Удар в сердце,Удар смерти,Удар разложения
/castsequence reset=20 Зимний горн,Кровоотвод,Вспышка болезни,Танцующее руническое оружие
/cast Усиление рунического оружия
/use 13
/use 14

Macro Explanation:

Don’t forget you can remove /use 13 or 14 if do not have “click use” trinkets, can add other number if got other gear enchants (refer to How to’s)*
UPDATED July 6, 2011: Reworded the macro so it does not lock up when change targets and want to use a modifier.
UPDATED August 28, 2011: Removed Empower Rune Weapon from the second cast sequence, it was locking up this sequence. Removed lower trinket from the Blood Boil spec to fit Empower Rune Weapon on its own.
UPDATED February 2, 2012: Included translations for 5 client languages.

I love your macros, so much that I’ve been tweaking them for my play style and wanted to share my variations on them which I am very happy with. I have 2 lazy macros going, one for single target and one for aoe, maybe someone else will enjoy them.

For the first, the only real change I made is to change the priority of Death Strike vs. Heart Strike for the second cast sequence. This helps with my rune regeneration and works out better for pve and pvp, even if by a few seconds. The line looks like:

/castsequence Death Strike,Heart Strike,Festering Strike,Rune Strike

Here’s the aoe macro I’m using, very happy with it so far.

/castsequence [mod]Blood Boil;reset=target/5 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,Pestilence,null
/castsequence Blood Boil,Heart Strike,Death Strike,Rune Strike
/castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter,Blood Tap,Outbreak,Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast Empower Rune Weapon

This variation throws in pestilence and blood boil to the rotation while removing festering strike and the use of the trinket. I wanted a simple 1 key press taking rotation macro and this one seems to be working well so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Included translations for 5 client languages. :slight_smile: Enjoy

Working in other classes and specs, takes a lot of time.


I’m using the second macro and when i use it the icon turns into an questionmark.
But i don’t think the macro is crashed or so. Is this a know isu or did i do smthing wrong?

ty for the work in your macro’s :slight_smile:

Hello David, the question mark is intended. Because the way I played with the code and put it together it does this kind of behavior. If I would of put a showtooltip line at the beginning it probably displayed a few spells, but since there are so many castsequences it would of went back to the question mark. But everything should be working as it should.

ty for the reply and intell.

Keep up the good work!

I’m noticing the macro fails after one cycle through the first two lines. After that it hangs. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Forgot to add my thanks for the macros. Appreciate the effort. Keep up the good work. Mike: I’m noticing the macro fails after one cycle through the first two lines.After that it hangs.Not sure what I’m doing wrong.