Bloodshot New Macro to celebrate new Race

Good to know you’re not only the twat waffle I suspected you were, but that you can’t even follow simple directions. Clearly, I said the Key Release section, not the Pre Macro…

Feel free to ignore. Good luck in your obvious train wreck of a life. :roll_eyes:

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It would be nice to have a Warcraft log and see what you do in MM + and Raids NM et HM, like I did on the Macro BM de ASBOBUNNY .


Great macro, i got a problem though i tried to remove harpoon but it just breaks the macro the bomba dont seem to be used… in fact if i alter the macro even slightly it just breaks. any suggestions?

Tried added concentrated flame to and it just breaks it anything you touch breaks the macro ie Wildifre bombs dont go off.


Can someone please explain why if you change anything in this macro it just breaks it the wild fire bombs stop going off… even if you just remove targetnearest enemy it will just break…

@marc-rycroft I have modified the macro in multiple different ways and it never broke for me… I don’t know why it would for you. Maybe tell us what changes you want or need and we’ll see if we can help out!

Well i was going to delete harpoon do that manually, remove auto target, add concentrated flame, revive pet when dead etc


Iv’e made my own now with some help from his macro, its not that it was breaking completely but the Wildfire bombs would stop going off…well anyway i just used the actually named all the bombs individually shrapnel pheremone and volatile and now it works flawless, i simed my character and i should get 23.5k on a target dummy after 3 minutes, Im pulling 22.5k with the macro so thats pretty sweet.
ilvl 420


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ty for this check bros :1,2,3,6 boss

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Has anyone tested this lately with success? Just don’t want to spend all this gold on trait changes for nothing?

its Fantastic, worth giving a go.

Working on 2nd set of azerite head chest then I can swiitch equipment then I’ll try it out. Thank for letting me know it still runs pretty good.

I made a few changes, like harpoon etc thought id post it and the macros i use they might help.


/cast Feign death
/petfollow [pet]

/castsequence [@cursor] Flare

/cast Aspect of the Cheetah
/cast Escape Artist

/cast Harpoon
/cast Wing Clip

/cast Disengage
/tar Muppet
/cast Master’s Call

/tar Muppet
/cast Mending Bandage

/cast Aspect of the Turtle
/cast Escape Artist
/tar Muppet
/cast Roar of Sacrifice
/use Potion of Defiance
/use Healthstone

/cast Exhilaration
/cast Escape Artist
/tar Muppet
/cast Roar of Sacrifice
/use Potion of Defiance
/use Healthstone
/use Potion of Trivial Invisibility


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Very cool ill move some traits around and test it tonight. Tuvm

Np, Hits like a truck, like the original poster said hopefully you will be quite surprised :+1:.

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I hope so, I’ve been wanting to try out survival forever but always been upgrading bm and mm gear, and I’m just to cheap to constantly change my azerite traits lol.