BM All in one With Logs to back it up.

So i should enchant it with claw i see

other trinkets i have are nightbornes hunting horn 1794 agl 1116 haste 885
bloodthirsty instinct 1560 agl 870

46 traits in weapon

Right, enchant with Claw…talents are fine, BTI is your best trink ( Ursoc from EN ) and try just manually mashing…might work better for you.

[quote quote=48064]Right, enchant with Claw…talents are fine, BTI is your best trink ( Ursoc from EN ) and try just manually mashing…might work better for you.
[/quote]. Ya I have the macro set to 100 and my number one key I just mash the button I’ll switch trinkets and the enchant see how it goes thank you very much for your help

I have just recently modified this macro to change the
/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [nopet,nodead,group:raid] Call Pet 2; [nopet,nodead,group:party] Call Pet 4; [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 5; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix

That way I summon my tank pet for solo, spirit pet for raid, and crane for party. You can change the pet it calls to whatever you want if you use them. Also if you prefer the same pet for both party and raid groups you can change it to make it shorter like this
/cast [nopet,nodead,group] Call Pet 2; [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 5; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix

if your pulling a steady 950k with this macro i want to see logs

here u go

[quote quote=48242]

y Tator one is the best for me pulling 950k if am sober ???

if your pulling a steady 950k with this macro i want to see logs [/quote] here u go [/quote]Very nice I also see your 911 to have you tried both macros if so you think this performs better I'm going to try this one in raid tonight

WAYYYY better here

Mend pet doesnt seem to fire, any idea why it might not?

In or out of group

Ok i’m using the macro with the talent for single damage, caretaker care etc I go very well pull at 2 mions and dps on the 900-1million gear 900 4 piece tier set + 2 legendary shoulder+waist.
The only problem is sometimes the focus, it remains locked for 2 to 3 seconds without doing anything when it could instead use cobra shooting, however, both macro and gween macros are identical and have the same type of problem those 2-3 seconds of void.

[quote quote=48410]Mend pet doesnt seem to fire, any idea why it might not?
In or out of group

Put it in premacro and test
/cast [nogroup] Mend Pet

Between the mix of tater, hunter, and gween macros I’ve sorta compiled my own with preferences. Here’s the macro and logs from a recent heroic Nighthold where I used single target talents. I just spam mwheeldown for single target and mwheelup for AoE. It’s easier for me to be able to make corrections on the fly when KC/CS get stuck before BW and reset rotation with a CS:

Credits to darmaul, tater, gween, and hunter
Logs: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Sequences['BM_single'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
  Talents = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0",
  Help = [[Credits to darmaul, tater, gween, and hunter]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
        "/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet",
        "/petattack [@target,harm]",
        "/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
        "/petautocastoff [group] Growl",
        "/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Titan's Thunder",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [nogroup] Mend Pet",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast [combat] A Murder of Crows",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/reset  Kill Command, Cobra Shot",

Sequences['BM_AoE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
  Talents = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0",
  Help = [[Credits to darmaul, tater, gween, and hunter]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
        "/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet",
        "/petattack [@target,harm]",
        "/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
        "/petautocastoff [group] Growl",
        "/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [nogroup] Mend Pet",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Titan's Thunder",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nomod:alt,combat] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",

Ok what are the differences between your macro and the others? They all look the same

Thank you for an awesome macro! I’ve been using it as a single key press for a while now and I actually feel good about my DPS for once. I thought I’d take it a step further and setup a one button with Razer synapse. Prepare yourselves for a very noob question, how do I stop the macro after I’ve activated it?

It looks like it has stopped in game but when I flip to my internet browser on my other monitor, the key press is infinitely repeating in the search bar.

I figured it out. I forgot to add the delay to the synapse macro so it wouldn’t turn it off on second press…

What should razer ms setting be used? 0100? Or higher?

i use macro tater singol target and 0,100 ms razer .my dps 850-900k medium and burst 2 milion 2,5 milion

Ok after several tests on all the available macros, I came to the conclusion that for me tater is the top macro, I changed the talents and placed top single 2212312 to have more dps. Done tests at the dummy and especially in mythical + raid hero mitic. My average dps is 1 million, minimum I did 800k maximum burst damage 2 -3 milion dps port some examples (skorpiron I closed to 1.3 million. Boss 900k, much more mythical depends on the fight often close to 1, 5 milion-1 milion, but maybe for the mythic plus plus having massive aoe talents. The dps sells a lot of 4-5-6 milion aoe

Logs?..on heroic / mythic Skorp it’s easy to pull 1.5 mil or better with all the AOE / cleave going on.

What value should be set for ms 0,100 razer? What are the best ones?

Hello tater, could you update the macro to make it better if possible? Would need a real better for spell-making without having any breaks where you could shoot the cobra for example, can you still increase it?

[quote quote=48837]Hello tater, could you update the macro to make it better if possible? Would need a real better for spell-making without having any breaks where you could shoot the cobra for example, can you still increase it?

See, the problems are equipment and peoples speed. The speed thing can be fixed if everyone uses autoclicking software/hardware at the same settings but some of us (like myself) dont or wont use it. Then there is the equipment problem which is that not everyone uses the same gear/legendaries. I personally use the legendary that reduces the cd of my aspects and then i use the trinket that has a chance to reduce the cd of aspect of the wild with each attack. The only time I have any break is when I run out of focus but even then I auto attack. Keep in mind I use volley so that if I have the focus when I auto attack I cast that automatically. That may be your problem also since he offered different ways to play the macro (letting users choose from volley or murder of crows for example). Anyway, what I had done before I got my legendary was made smaller vanilla macros with modifiers on my other keys. Here is a vanilla macro that may help

/cast [nomod] Counter shot
/cast [mod] Cobra Shot

Use that to cast cobra shot by holding shift and spend some focus when full (keep spamming it till at about half focus then spam taters). I was easily able to limit all my battle skills (including my pets fetch and play dead skills) to 7 buttons/keys (this isnt including mount skills, pet battle skills, cooking, fishing, or any other skills you would be using outside of battle).

Updated Version for 7.2.5 possible?