BOOMY Druid Cataclysm

Hello guys, my name is Erwin Liao. I couldn’t log in to my original account on Facebook, so I had to use my Google account to sign in and create a second account. Anyway, this macro was from a bunch of broken WotLK macros mostly, and I updated, tested, and ran well with this macro for Cataclysm Classic.

There are two macros, one for Wrath and one for Starfire (Eclipse) changing. What this macro will do is you will put both of these macros on the 1 and 2 keys of your keyboard. I’m using a keyboard program from SteelSeries at 15ms. You can put it at 50 if you want, but I am used to a Fury Warrior, that’s why I have my ms so fast. But I have been using 15 ms for around 4 years and nothing has happened.

So basically, what this macro will do is you will put the W macro (Wrath) on key one of your keyboard, then put S (Starfire) macro on the second key. You’re going to spam the #1 key on your keyboard, the W (macro). Once you start like that, you will enter Eclipse onto Starfire. At this time, you will spam the second key on your keyboard which is the S(Starfire) macro.

Some key notes to take about these macros are that I set it up where both of these macros have a cast sequence and dot management. This is very important. On the cast sequence part of creating these macros, I tested how many Wraths and Starfires I needed to reapply them. So basically, both of these macros will Faerie Fire, Moonfire, and Insect Swarm. I will refresh with any 1 or 2 of the macros. It doesn’t matter, it will always refresh the dots at around 3 seconds to 4 seconds left. It also will change from when it’s Wrath time to become Sunfire without anything, you just spam these macros.

So I read the Wowhead guide and basically, how you want to start your opener is you spam W (macro), then when it’s Lunar phase press Starfire macro (S). You want to do this back and forth. But what I wanted to tell you guys, after casting the Wrath macro as you begin a boss, once it’s time to spam the Starfire macro, you have to pop trinkets, engineer gloves, potions, all that because I have read that during Lunar, it’s your window to do as much damage as possible (recommended by Wowhead).

Thank you erwin liao signing out good luck with cata you boom chickens

WRATH MACRO (W) Automatic dot management in place just spam wrath macro and then starfire macro then do this back and fourth


STARFIRE MACRO (S) Automatic dot management in place just spam wrath macro and then starfire macro then do this back and fourth




ill give it a try and let you know, thanks for the macro!

works decently. just needed to make a few changes such as removing typhoon and starfall and moving some things to variables. fresh 80, boostieboii greens and pulling 9k aoe, 7k single. 232 ilv

I neatened them up a bit for you, moved some to variables.



Talents: Wrath CLASSIC

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.



Talents: Wrath CLASSIC

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.

Leavaris, your Wrath macro seems to get stuck at times when there is a starsurge proc, the proc gets used, but then keeps wanting to cast starsurge, which is now on cd.

Hello friends, could someone please make some macros, I would really like to play with Feral Druid, but unfortunately I can’t, and with the help of GSE I could finally play with this class!! So please, if anyone could help and make a macro I would be very grateful!! Thankss