Borland1891_Prot_M+ 2024-04-04


NEW UPDATE 2024-04-04 Took away the console thing and just have it with @focus for free insta WoG. Also fixed so macro actually can cast WoG on mouseover with mod CTRL :)

This is my Prot Pala macro and i have tested this alot lately.
All defensives is used manually and also all Blessings.
Sentinel and Divine Toll is also used auto in macro.
I have 469 gear and 4 set. Macro is tested by @GCGray and i thank you alot for this. :slight_smile: Macro used at 100ms. Tab2 is the one to use. :muscle:


Usage Information

Sentinel pops on cooldown, also you set @focus on yourself for free cast of WoG. You can also set focus on anyone that needs it more than you :slight_smile:
Use all blessings manually and defensives.

Mods are as follows:
ALT= @ mouse over Intercession, (Battle Ress)
CTRL= @mouseover Word of Glory


This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.64-PatronBuild.

  • The Default macro template is 2

Let me know what you all think.
Best regards


Results from 20 throne i just did



My stats

481 ilvl

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@GCGray Ok that looks nice but if you rank this with the other 2 macros you tested yesterday. How is this performing ? Hammer of Wrath seems a bit low, did it not pop of that often?

this one seems better tbh hammer of wrath was a bit low tbh maybe if we can weave some more in. it needs to build holy power quicker on pull like avengers shield first then judgement in to sotr then the rotation after that is spot on apart from the hammer of wrath haha

Ok, i just tested a thing so try this and see if it is better. This will pop Avenger’s Shield at start and then macro will cast rotation and i felt the Hammer did pop of more but it is last in prio atm.




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.51-PatronBuild.

ok weird results here haha



BRH 20 - we +3 it

So did so much more damage but up time was a bit low

Il change some gear for more haste and try it in fall +20

Test this instead if you can. Saw i made some bad changes.
I feel this is better now but hard to tell, needs test in dungeon :slight_smile:


20 Everbloom



I will try the new one out now

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Throne 22



Felt ok tbh but did feel at somepoints i was lacking holy power maybe another blessed hammer in there or something… this was in haste gear so 41% haste

Really think you are on to something out of this world here. I raid mythic tomorrow so can test it out there too. your giving ppl the chance to do high lvl content here your a star man


I am really glad it is working good and this is excactly why i do it because there is many ppl that want to play high keys but never gets there due to as i have big issues with my fingers so would never play this game if Lazy Macro did not exist. Now im back to try see if i can find any place to get in some more of holy power without destroying the rest lol :slight_smile:
I myself are in 420 gear with 21 haste and i still can manage +10 without knowing what to do lol.


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Ok i did some small changes and i did a +10 key to see if it worked and for me it seems better but would be interesting to hear if with good gear macro generates more holy power.




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.51-PatronBuild.


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“I just wanted to express my appreciation for your help in assisting a macro creator to refine their creations. It would be great if more people with the appropriate gear could offer support to creators in a tester role. This would save them a significant amount of time, as they wouldn’t have to level up and gear their characters before perfecting a macro.”

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Using it too level so far so good no hang ups yet.

Really appriciate that thank you. Working with @Borland1891_2325 on this was amazing and to be honest i am happy to work on any macro with him again. I have been playing the game since vanilla and have always tanked. Due to my issues i cant play dps classes at a high lvl as the Macros just dont allow it. But the tank ones work out standingly and i would really to to work on a raid version with him too (nudge nudge wink wink haha)


Will look into it but i am atm Christmas busy :slight_smile:
Let you know as soon as i have anything ready to test .
Best regards

how dare you have a life I suggest you forget Christmas and get back to work. I was just kidding I hope you have a smashing Christmas buddy and ohhh, the raid version does sound super epic but don’t rush to perfect this then move on I never looked at your macros before I was always on the understanding your PVP focused.

but clearly I was wrong and this one slaps soo that’s awsome keep it up

I was only pvp but i noticed that M+ is quite fun :slight_smile: Also i love making macros :slight_smile:
I did finish the Raid one and @GCGray is testing in HC as we speak :slight_smile:
Best regards

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So awesome can not wait to see it myself … your macro has helped me with pally tank so far so good… Thank you for the amazing work

btw just hit 3k io with this. Doing 22’s and 23’s easy

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using the newest version like from like a week ago? just wondering