Button Presser Programms

Sweet TYVM friend

How do you guys parse with these?

On my Ele Sham I was grey parsing using a button presser at 150ms and an GS Script (a popular one). I went down to 50ms and halfed the script (two buttons instead of one) and now its parsing around 50%. On my Warrior its just as bad, parses are grey.

My fingers are pretty shot and while I can mash, after the 3rd day of raiding it gets really sore and at times I have to pop my index finger. The hold down option helps, but unless I’m missing something it seems like its a tradeoff and you can’t do optimal dps. Hopefully I’m wrong.

I use PunchKey, and it works great for me.

Also a User of Punchkey! Love It!!

I currently use Punchkey, But my modifiers for shift and control dont seem to work? I have Punchkey set to spam 1, And my modifiers are set right. If i hold the modifier and click the icon it will go off. Other than that it just will not work, any ideas?

Sequences[‘Papa_ASS_ST_Manual_raid’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
Talents = “1113111”,
Help = [[Use Talents 1113111]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“/cast [combat] Vendetta”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Envenom”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Rupture”,
“/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth”,
“/cast [stealth] Shadowstep”,
“/cast [stealth] Garrote”,
“/cast [combat] Kingsbane”,
“/cast Garrote”,
“/castsequence reset=combat Mutilate, Mutilate”,
“/cast Toxic Blade”,

Why don’t you just put your finishing move on a second key? Your pressing another key anyways to get the same effect… Shrugs…

Here’s my contribution on an AHK script.

<strong>It basically have the following characteristics:</strong>
- You can enable/disable it ingame with screen indicators
- You can enable up to 4 speeds (you can change them in the script) ingame, with screen indicators
- You can check which speed is set at the moment, with screen indicators
- Uses the numeric keys 1-5 in normal keyboard (not the NUMPAD one) for action bar keys. I made some comments in the script, so you can change those fairly easy

<strong>How it works:</strong>

1. LEFT CONTROL + NUMPAD MINUS ingame to enable/disable the script functionalities;
2. NUMPAD 0 (zero) to 3, changes the speed the game keys will hit (in milliseconds) by 20, 50, 100 and 200 respectively. When you enable the script it comes with a 20ms set up (you can change it in the script);
3. NUMPAD 9 tells you which is the speed configured at the moment.

That’s it, I hope you enjoy it. Any questions, just ask me and I’ll gladly help you.

[quote quote=60227]<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Aqui está minha contribuição em um script AHK.</font></font>
<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Basicamente, tem as seguintes características:</font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”> - Você pode ativar / desativar o jogo com indicadores de tela </font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>- Você pode ativar até 4 velocidades (você pode alterá-las no script) no jogo, com indicadores de tela </font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>- Você pode verificar qual velocidade é definida no momento, com indicadores de tela </font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>- Usa as teclas numéricas 1-5 no teclado normal (não a tecla NUMPAD). </font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Eu fiz alguns comentários no roteiro, então você pode mudar isso bastante fácil</font></font>
<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Como funciona:</font></font>
<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>1. CONTROLE DIREITO + NUMPAD MENOS no jogo para habilitar / desabilitar as funcionalidades do script; </font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>2. NUMPAD 0 (zero) a 3, altera a velocidade que as teclas do jogo irão atingir (em milissegundos) em 20, 50, 100 e 200, respectivamente. </font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Quando você ativa o script, ele vem com uma configuração de 20ms (você pode alterá-lo no script); </font></font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>3. NUMPAD 9 informa qual é a velocidade configurada no momento.</font></font>
<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>É isso aí, espero que gostem. </font><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>Qualquer dúvida, basta perguntar-me e eu vou com prazer ajudá-lo.</font></font>
<font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=“vertical-align: inherit;”>https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiNMd1WorjW0hrdqD9ep7NOMD84SyQ</font></font>[/quote]

Best AHk ever used!
This is wonderful!
Thank you D4MM0N1C you are pikadasgalaxias!

like this one but I only have like 3 ones so to say
can we make it like 5 ones

I have a problem with the AHK scripts I have tried so far (all made for Gnome Sequencer). I can’t get any of the modifier keys to work (Shift, CTRL, etc.). Does anybody have a solution or is this a hardware problem?

It’s a keybinding issue. Keybinds in WoW take priority over what you will send through either Synapse or AHK.

Most of the problems are because CTRL + numbers are bound to your petbar while Shift is attached to your action bars. If you use weird bindings like me i use = then that is assigned to Volume Up under Miscellaneous for example.

Offcourse! They were bound in-game. Thanks!

[quote quote=60227]Here’s my contribution on an AHK script.
It basically have the following characteristics: – You can enable/disable it ingame with screen indicators – You can enable up to 4 speeds (you can change them in the script) ingame, with screen indicators – You can check which speed is set at the moment, with screen indicators – Uses the numeric keys 1-5 in normal keyboard (not the NUMPAD one) for action bar keys. I made some comments in the script, so you can change those fairly easy
How it works:

  1. LEFT CONTROL + NUMPAD MINUS ingame to enable/disable the script functionalities; 2. NUMPAD 0 (zero) to 3, changes the speed the game keys will hit (in milliseconds) by 20, 50, 100 and 200 respectively. When you enable the script it comes with a 20ms set up (you can change it in the script); 3. NUMPAD 9 tells you which is the speed configured at the moment.
    That’s it, I hope you enjoy it. Any questions, just ask me and I’ll gladly help you.

I can turn the script off and on and change the speed … but how to I start the auto keypress? Forgive me I have overlooked this part I think

…Uses the numeric keys 1-5 in normal keyboard (not the NUMPAD one) for action bar keys. I made some comments in the script, so you can change those fairly easy…


Great AHK toggle spammer. I modified it to work on mb4, mb5, and kept your f1. That is the two thumb buttons. You can not really remap a toggle to anything you will type in chat or you will have your chat window fill up with keyspam. For me mb4 mb5 are easy reaches, and I have learned to hit f1.

This spammer is super useful because (a) most classes have at least 2 macros, be it (single target/AOE) or (builder/spammer) designs, (b) it turns off the previous toggle, which saves me a toggle turnoff.

The overlay in windowed mode tells you which toggle is enabled- not critical, but nice. You can also look down to the action bar to see which key is blinking.

I have had zero luck getting toggle spammers to work with mods CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT. I think you have to use the press and hold spammers for those. That is OK, because you can pretty much write anything with 3 toggles. For instance on my Affliction warlock I have a builder macro (h/t AdmiralSmurf) which applies DoTs, and fills with shadow bolts, I have a spender macro which dumps UAs and Deathbolts, and I have a burst macro which pops trinkets and uses Summon Darkglare. I was able to adapt what AdmiralSmurf wrote for the press and hold spammers to the 3 toggle.

Anyway, here is what I did to modify it for my preferences. Anyone reading this can compare yours to mine to get an idea what specifically needs to change if you want to remap it to something like tab.

WinGet, wowid, List, World of Warcraft #ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; to force the hotkey only to WoW toggleST := false toggleAOE := false toggleHealdmg := false CustomColor = 000000 ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below). Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item. Gui, Color, %CustomColor% Gui, Font, s14 q3 ; q3 to non-antialias the text, only works in AHK_L Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cLime w200 +Center Gui, Add, Text, vMyText2 cLime w300 Gui, Add, Text, vMyText3 cLime w300 WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150 sw := A_ScreenWidth/100 sh := A_ScreenHeight/100 Gui, Show, % “x” . sw*44 . ” y” sh*2, NoActivate ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window. return $F1:: if(toggle1) { toggle1 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off GuiControl,, MyText, } else { toggle1 := true toggle2 := false toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send2, Off SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText2, GuiControl,, MyText3, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send1, 100 GuiControl,, MyText, F1 ENABLED } return Xbutton1:: if(toggle2) { toggle2 := false SetTimer, Send2, Off GuiControl,, MyText2, } else { toggle2 := true toggle1 := false toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText, GuiControl,, MyText3, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send2, 100 GuiControl,, MyText2, MB4 ENABLED } return Xbutton2:: if(toggle3) { toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText3, } else { toggle3 := true toggle1 := false toggle2 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off SetTimer, Send2, Off GuiControl,, MyText, GuiControl,, MyText2, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send3, 100 GuiControl,, MyText3, MB5 ENABLED } return Send1: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {F1} return Send2: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {Xbutton1} return Send3: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {Xbutton2} return #ifWinActive ; to end the WoW key binding