Button Presser Programms


i’m curious. i want to know which button presser programms you guys use or you would recommend.

Personally i use AHK.
I do also have a Razer Naga and Logitech G13 but tend to favour AHK for some reason.

well i couldnt get used to AHK. i look for something that presses “1” with certain ms until i toggle it of.

I was using AutoHotKey but have since bought a Razor mouse and use Synapse now.

what is the Default Delay timer for AutoHotkey you guys set to? Im having difficulty to set a specific Timer for my Autohotkey that can use for All of my Class. Its seem if you set too low, the macro would Skip some of the sequence, but if you set too high; it won’t project the Full potential and maximize of the macro.

I use the Logitech software for my keyboard and set to toggle with 150ms delay.

Different macros will say to use different timings.
A lot of the issues when people post macros is they don’t explain how it should be used I.E key press timings.

Some will use 80ms (0.080 for synapes/other hardware keys)
Some will say 150ms and others are 300… while mine are as low as 1500 (1.5s/1.500ms)

Fast ones will work ok for a lot of castsequences or where StepFunctions are used.
Slow will work better for sequential so you don’t skip over the macros.

Fast (on a personal level) i don’t tend to like due to skipping sequences. It’s more a cast whatever is off cooldown free for all and it doesn’t gain you any DPS increase.

I prefer slow for DPS where it’s more controlled and if needs be manually hit procs as they appear.

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[quote quote=36967]Different macros will say to use different timings. A lot of the issues when people post macros is they don’t explain how it should be used I.E key press timings.
Some will use 80ms (0.080 for synapes/other hardware keys) Some will say 150ms and others are 300… while mine are as low as 1500 (1.5s/1.500ms)
Fast ones will work ok for a lot of castsequences or where StepFunctions are used. Slow will work better for sequential so you don’t skip over the macros.
Fast (on a personal level) i don’t tend to like due to skipping sequences. It’s more a cast whatever is off cooldown free for all and it doesn’t gain you any DPS increase.
I prefer slow for DPS where it’s more controlled and if needs be manually hit procs as they appear.

Very interesting. thank you. I’ve had varying degrees of success with different key press delays as well. It seems some melee classes do better with varying degrees of really fast/fast and casters tend to operate better with a bit slower. is that your experience? I like to play alts and constantly switching the macro key press delays is tedious at times.

I like AHK and I put together (from gathering bits and pieces around the internets) a script to use for F1, F2, F3. Requires WoW to be in Windowed mode if you want to see the “F# ENABLED” overlay text. You can copy/paste the below into a file. Rename it “something”.ahk and when running it will auto-press F1,F2 or F3 every 250ms. If you switch from F1 to F2 or F3, it’ll auto-disable F1 (keeping only one running at a time).

WinGet, wowid, List, World of Warcraft
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
; to force the hotkey only to WoW

toggleST := false
toggleAOE := false
toggleHealdmg := false

CustomColor = 000000  ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below).
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
Gui, Font, s14 q3  ; q3 to non-antialias the text, only works in AHK_L
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cLime w200 +Center
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText2 cLime w300
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText3 cLime w300
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150
sw := A_ScreenWidth/100
sh := A_ScreenHeight/100
Gui, Show, % "x" . sw*44 . " y" sh*2, NoActivate  ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window.

	if(toggle1) {
        toggle1 := false
		SetTimer, Send1, Off
		GuiControl,, MyText,
    } else {
        toggle1 := true
				toggle2 := false
				toggle3 := false
				SetTimer, Send2, Off
				SetTimer, Send3, Off
				GuiControl,, MyText2,
				GuiControl,, MyText3,
        ; Choose a delay here!
        SetTimer, Send1, 250
		GuiControl,, MyText, F1 ENABLED

	if(toggle2) {
        toggle2 := false
        SetTimer, Send2, Off
		GuiControl,, MyText2,
    } else {
        toggle2 := true
				toggle1 := false
				toggle3 := false
				SetTimer, Send1, Off
				SetTimer, Send3, Off
				GuiControl,, MyText,
				GuiControl,, MyText3,
        ; Choose a delay here!
        SetTimer, Send2, 250
		GuiControl,, MyText2, F2 ENABLED

    if(toggle3) {
        toggle3 := false
        SetTimer, Send3, Off
		GuiControl,, MyText3,
    } else {
        toggle3 := true
				toggle1 := false
				toggle2 := false
				SetTimer, Send1, Off
				SetTimer, Send2, Off
				GuiControl,, MyText,
				GuiControl,, MyText2,
        ; Choose a delay here!
        SetTimer, Send3, 250
		GuiControl,, MyText3, F3 ENABLED

	ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
    Send {F1}

	ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
    Send {F2}

	ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
    Send {F3}

; to end the WoW key binding

Any anecdotal accounts of how likely a ban is with AHK or a programmable keyboard/mouse? It would seem that Blizzard could detect inhumanely fast spamming or absolutely perfect timing but I could be wrong…

i need to get a mouse with this software cause I’m starting to hurt my fingers and wrists lol

I’m on a mac so no ahk, and anything I’ve tried seems to stop working in about 20-30 button pushes, the macro icon on the action bar stops rotation through the different skills. anti cheat I’m guessing?

im not afk playing I’m trying to save my body from harm!

I used AHK for several years, but I got a Logitech gaming mouse for xmas and use the software for that to bind my button presses

[quote quote=38432]I used AHK for several years, but I got a Logitech gaming mouse for xmas and use the software for that to bind my button presses

i have a 510, I don’t think it has software to do this. i need to upgrade

It’s super nice. I got the Logitech G600 ($40 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-G600-Gaming-Mouse-Black/dp/B0086UK7IQ)

The software has per game profiles and you can edit the side keys on the mouse to do everything. You can have it record your button presses and then set the parameters for what it does with it.

IE: I use all my ST macros on the 1 key. I go into the software, edit the mouse button I want to use and I press the 1 key. I set it to repeat as long as I have the button pressed (I like to have the control to just let go of the button as opposed to a toggle) and at 150MS. Open up WoW, hold the button and it spams the 1 key. I keep all my AOE macros on 2 and do the same process.

It’s definitely been a big change from using the AHK.

Hello All

Can any 1 help me with a way to set up my numpad 4 and 5 to AHK, i dont know how to do it, or if it is posible to do at all :slight_smile:


Hi there,

I’m using some macros of the MM hunter PVE section - but also with other classes - with the logitech software. Playing WoW on my Mac with the native client. The delay is set to 6ms as mentioned in some (hunter) threads.

Sometimes and especially in raids there appears to be a problem with this constellation.
Suddenly my char starts “auto running” in one direction and I have to tab out of WoW and back to solve this problem (Fullscreen and Windowed makes no difference).

When pressing the macro key (‘1’) manually, this problem doesn’t occur.

Anyone else have this annoying problem?

it might work using this. here is a script you can try.
my keyboard does not have a number pad so can’t test it. and since i cant test it don’t even know if it will work.

Due to system behavior, the following keys are identified differently depending on whether NumLock is ON or OFF. If NumLock is OFF but Shift is pressed, the system temporarily releases Shift and acts as though NumLock is ON.
information from AHK Manual

for this script it is numlock on. if you want numlock off change numpad4 to NumpadLeft and numpad5 to NumpadClear. I don’t know how the shift modifier in a macro may respond with numlock off.

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft  ; Only run if window 'World of Warcraft' is active
$Numpad4::  ; If Numpad4 is pressed
$^Numpad4:: ; If Numpad4+control is pressed
$+Numpad4:: ; If Numpad4+shift is pressed
$!Numpad4:: ; If Numpad4+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState("Numpad4", "P") ; If 1 is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P") ; If left control is pressed then send control+Numpad4
Send ^Numpad4
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P") ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+Numpad4
Send +Numpad4
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+Numpad4
Send !Numpad4
Send Numpad4 ; If Numpad4 is pressed with no other modifiers send Numpad4
sleep 135 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats
if not GetKeyState("Numpad5", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^Numpad5
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +Numpad5
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !Numpad5
Send Numpad5
sleep 135

And one have a scrip for just 2 keys? Mouse Button 4 and 5

Thank You

Mouse button 4 is XButton2:: in AHK but I don’t think there is a XButton3 for mouse 5

Sorry my bad, XButton1:: is mouse 4 and XButton2:: is mouse button 5.

As these are the only supported windows keys, it’s the only support offered by AHK