cannot healing rain in combat, help please

so my macro works perfectly when not in combat, aka, when i was testing it. when holding shift it should allow me to cast healing rain but it doesn’t. any help is appreciated

—shaman restoration—
Sequences[‘resto’] = {
PreMacro = [[

"/cast [mod:shift] Healing Rain",
'/cast [mod:alt] Healing Tide Totem',
'/cast [mod:alt] Healing Surge',
'/cast [nomod] Healing Stream Totem',
'/cast [nomod] Unleash Life',
'/castsequence [nomod] reset=target Riptide, null',
'/castsequence [nomod] reset=target/alt Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Chain Heal, Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Riptide',

PostMacro = [[

/use [combat] 14
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

There is no need to use " instead of ’ in the line below:
“/cast [mod:shift] Healing Rain”,

Cause there is no ’ in any of the words written there.

And isn’t it a better idea to bind healing rain on a separate key since it’s a click to place spell?
(I use mine on Mousewheel scroll down)

It’s a suggestion, don’t shoot me for it ^^


Tim Roeleveld