cant get gnome sequencer to work

i did huge amounts of research i downloaded the addon extracted it to my addon folder renamed the file tried secquences.lua and just secquences neither worked i tried multiple GS warrior copy and paste macros none worked my issue is its not popping up on the macro ingame i type the name of the macro correctly esc someone please help my real id is epion1988#1587 if i dont respond on here

i was using gnome sequencer and one day it just stopped working and for months i couldn’t get it to work i deleted wow and redownloaded the addon many times and still nothing, finally i found the error i was doing .
when i downloaded the add on it says to change ExampleSequences to Sequences.lua but when you download the add on if you don’t see the .lua , just change examplesequences to sequences without the .lua , what i did for mine i copied ExampleSequences and changed the other to just Sequencer and it fixed it so im just charing how i fixed mine i hope if anyone have the same problem it will fix it too