like titel says, watched all the ”how to” videoes i can find and it wont show up in addons. here what i do
-download GS and unzip into wow interface/addon folder
-change name of file from expamplesequence.lua to just sequences.lua
posted it here since the how to forum seems pretty dead
If it says the addon is out of date look for a post i did to rectify it
In short, to have it in on place…
If out of date than you can / have to change the version number to the current one in Gnomesequencer.toc
>> for the current patch it looks like this: ## Interface: 60200
Also this tip, it is not needed but the easiest and safest way to start…
In the file Sequences.lua, don’t delete Anything in there. Just ad your new sequences at the bottom.
And make it easy to read for yourself for which class the sequences are etc etc.
-- Hunter --
-- Hunter Marksman PvP
Sequences["MMPvP"] = {
etc etc etc
lol. Just found out that my lua file is 4142 lines long… and still growing and changing…