[Cata Classic] Arms Warr Lvl 81-85 (GSE3) - ** Updated 29-Jan-25 **

Hello everyone!

I’ve decided to share my Arms Warr macro with you all! After listening to feedback from the community, I think sharing it here will be helpful for everyone using this site.
Macros are also available on CurseForge and Wago. Just search for ‘GSE’ or ‘crogin’.

Donations are always appreciated, but completely optional!
I’m doing my best to create these macros to help others, all while juggling a full-time job and being a father. It’s not always easy, but I’m passionate about what I do, and your support truly makes a difference. If you want help, you can do so through Buy Me a Coffee. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps me keep going and continue sharing what I love.

Arms Warrior ST/AOE info:

Sequence Info:

  • This sequence will cycle through the following abilities: Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike, Slam, Execute, Berserker Rage, and Battle Shout.
  • For Overpower, spam one of the two optional macros/sequences until Overpower is cast, then continue spamming the main sequence. Use this only when Taste for Blood procs.

Recommended Macro:

  • ArmsCharge – This macro is vital for charging your target and immediately applying Rend. Spam the macro until you’ve charged your target and Rend is successfully applied, then continue spamming the sequence. Rend is essential for Taste for Blood procs.

Modded keys:

  • Alt = Heroic Strike - Use when you have at least 80 rage.
  • Ctrl = Cleave - Used when there are 2 or more targets.
  • Shift = Sweeping Strikes - Use this for AOE packs.

Optional Macro and Sequence:

  • Macro: Overpower – Place this macro on your bars and use it when Taste for Blood procs for optimal damage.

ST/AOE Macro:


The following Sequences are included:

  • crogin Arms-ST/AOE v0.1
  • crogin Arms-OP

The following Macros are optional:
(Note: GSE will not handle these. If you wish to use them, they must be used manually.)

  • ArmsCharge
  • Overpower

I run this with 150ms, but feel free to adjust the MS to your preference between 100-250ms.
I wouldn’t recommend going below 100ms, though.

Build talents:

More build & Glyphs info:


Mortal Strike seems to be off a bit, lost rend stack a few times over it. Once you get Colossus Smash, you will see the one problem of it. Never want to over ride the other debuff of it. So need to find a way to force a 4.5 second buffer on it incase it does reset from the proc.

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I’ll get there but for the Rend debuff use the charge macro even if they are in front of you, you stop the ST Macro spam and spam charge till you see Rend again. see above. :slight_smile:

I also wanna say thank you for the feedback.

12/03/24 -
The macro seems to be working well overall. I had a few people test it in random situations and on target dummies, and I was able to observe their results via Discord. I haven’t heard of any other issues in my Discord either. I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing difficulties, but I’m not sure where the problem might be. I’d recommend reviewing the notes again—there could be something you might have missed. Let me know if you need further assistance!


Hey crogin, First thx alot for youre work.
i am testing it out on the toons since i just came back to lvl the toon to 85 and be rdy to Panda.
So i do as told in youre War ST. loading plugins etc and the macros out and all.
now i use the charge to give rend and now i use my key to run War St.
but nuthing happends at all.
tryed to remove it all and install again and etc. and same result.
so i am woundering is it for lvl or is it made for lvl 85 ??
hook me up on Dis and ill gladly show it for you.

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Check the msg I sent you. :slight_smile:

hmm cannot get this to work, your prot worked amazing. This is only using 1 ability for me

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Where is is locking up on you?

it instantly puts me in berserker stance and only uses battleshout and colossus smash and just hits me with errors ability not read yet. I’m level 82

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I sent you a msg, take a look when you have time.

oh my bad i should have read it more clearly! figured it out ty

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Good, glad you got it down. :slight_smile:

I’m having the same issues others was having

I am using the charge macro for rend then spamming ST macro but it just swaps to Berserker stance, colossus smash / berserker rage and says ability is not ready yet and auto attacks

Charge macro and overpower macro work fine but it does not even cast Heroic Strike

Tried reinstalling etc.

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Hi @Metii

It seems like you’re running into the same issue others have experienced. One key thing to note is that Cleave is assigned to a modded key. It’s crucial to carefully follow the instructions. A few users who faced similar issues found that re-reading the setup guide and double-checking the steps helped them get everything working correctly.

Please review the instructions again, making sure you haven’t missed any important details related to the macro and its functions. If you’re still having trouble after that, feel free to PM me, and I’ll be happy to help you troubleshoot further. :slight_smile:

The Arms Macro has been fully redesigned and rewritten.

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