[Cata Classic] Balance Druid Lvl 81-85 (GSE3) - ** Updated 18-Jan-25 **

Hello everyone!

I’ve decided to share my Balance Druid macro with you all! After listening to feedback from the community, I think sharing it here will be helpful for everyone using this site.
Macros are also available on CurseForge and Wago. Just search for ‘GSE’ or ‘crogin’.

Donations are always appreciated, but completely optional!
I’m doing my best to create these macros to help others, all while juggling a full-time job and being a father. It’s not always easy, but I’m passionate about what I do, and your support truly makes a difference. If you want help, you can do so through Buy Me a Coffee. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps me keep going and continue sharing what I love.

Macro Information :
(Note: Wall of text incoming, but explains how to use the macro and gives understanding to the balance druid maco spec.)

Understanding the Balance Druid Macro:

  • Spamming Wrath will gradually build up the Solar Eclipse phase. As you cast Wrath, you’ll accumulate Solar energy. Once you’ve reached the required amount, you’ll trigger Solar Eclipse, which increases your Nature damage (including Wrath and other Solar abilities). Once Solar Eclipse is triggered, you should then switch to casting Starfire.
  • When you cast Starfire during Solar Eclipse, it activates the Lunar Eclipse phase. This boosts your Arcane damage, and Starfire becomes significantly stronger during this phase. Lunar Eclipse will last for a short duration, so you’ll want to spam Starfire during this time to maximize its damage.
  • After the Lunar Eclipse phase ends, you’ll need to go back to casting Wrath to trigger the Solar Eclipse again, continuing the cycle. So the rotation generally goes like this:

Faster explanation:

  • Use crogin_Bal-ST-Wrath to trigger Solar Eclipse.
  • Use crogin_Bal-ST-Starfire to trigger Lunar Eclipse.
  • Make sure to use crogin_Bal-ST-Starfire during Lunar Eclipse to maximize Arcane damage.
  • The goal is to optimize this cycle to make the most out of the increased damage from both Eclipse phases.
  • No cooldowns are used in this macro as they are all situational.

Included Sequences :

  • crogin_Bal-ST-Wrath: A macro designed to spam Wrath for optimal damage during Solar Eclipse .
  • crogin_Bal-ST-Starfire: A macro that spams Starfire to maximize damage during Lunar Eclipse.
  • Swarm/Moon Refresher: Use this macro to refresh Moonfire and Insect Swarm on your target, ensuring continuous damage.
  • Moonfire macro :
    (Note: this is in each macro as your opener on new targets. Use the refresher macro to re-apply on same target if needed.)
  • This macro casts Insect Swarm and Moonfire on new targets only.

Modded key:

  • The modded key is ALT
  • When the ALT key is held, Starsurge will be casted, only use this when Shooting Stars procs.

ST Macros:


The following Sequences are included:
– crogin_Bal-ST-Starfire v0.2

  • crogin_Bal-ST-Wrath v0.2
  • Swarm/Moon Refresher

The following Macros are included:
(Note: No action is required on your part, as GSE will handle these.)

  • Moonfire

I run this with 150ms, but feel free to adjust the MS to your preference between 100-250ms.
I wouldn’t recommend going below 100ms, though.

Build talents:

More build & Glyphs info:

ive noticed one hic up with the “Moonfire” macro once the macro puts the Insect swarm and moonfire on even when i try to click the macro it won’t refresh on the target until i click off the target and back on the target is it sappoused to do this ? i mean its fine for multi mobs but when u go to kill a boss i can see it being annoying.

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The Moonfire macro integrated into the main macro is primarily intended for your opener and when targeting new enemies. If you need to refresh Insect Swarm and Moonfire, kindly use the Swarm/Moon Refresher. :slight_smile:

Ok silly question how do i get the S/M/ Resh macro into my keybinds i want to use the F key

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I’ve sent you a msg, we can get this all going for you.

The balance macro has been updated.