🎐 Chi Master WW - 9.2.7 - No Chi Starvation

ill take a look today, and see what can be done. Are you using the macro in the first post or?

yes mate, im using the one in 1 post, might be anything with the MS? im runing at 300ms thou

Did a small edit, see if that fixes your issue. Updated the first post

This update is pretty good. 176 and doing about 2-2.5k on dummy.

ty @vince-orlando ill try it now.
Since the best cove to use now is Necro, wud it be possible to add it to the macro? like for kyrian users?

Honestly can just switch out the Kyrian Cov spell for Necro and wouldnt be an issue

What vince-orlando says. Just swap them out.

ty ill do, and vince this new update was AWSOME tyvm

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