I’m using this on my 86 rge , basically the same as above save I made the adrenaline rush [combat] modifier so that it doesn’t pop every time you hit the button and i removed vanish I prefer to use that as needed and added error frame clear enjoy
here is the aoe macro i use…
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target revealing strike,null
/castsequence reset=combat fan of knives,fan of knives,fan of knives,fan of knives,crimson tempest,revealing strike
/cast adrenaline rush
/use 13
/use 14
[quote quote=5538]Is there anyone that can help out do a combat macro with the new priority macro style?
Hello Mbd, I’ll try to work on that today. But first I have to find a friend with a high level rogue or maybe download the PTR, wish me luck.
I am still using one from the older threads but it needs adjusting as with the new patch Revealing Strikes debuff now lasts a lot longer. In any case the old one still works - when I get time I will have a look.
Don’t play my rogue very much.