Cryptic Brewmaster - DragonFlight 10.2 Updated 11-22-23

Hey Shomiyoneko,
I most likely will update but work is taking up a lot of time right now. I am hoping to get some better grasp on new rotation and adjust in the next few weeks.

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Thanks you, crypt! I will Def. wait for the update. Thanks again

Macro updated and in first post. Any feed back would be great.


Hello crypt!! Will do bro! thanks for the update!

edit: Hey crypt, i’ve tested just a few hits in the dummy, it seems that it is hanging on the Blackout Kick. my guess is, because the version 1.6 you have included in the macro the Spinning Crane Kick, but this version it is not included. That’s what i encounter.

I tested several rounds and didn’t have anything hang. I will be testing tonight on target dummies and hopefully in M+. I am not currently playing charred passions so I left out SCK. I tend to fill in during the macro if I think it needs it. I am hoping to fine tune it but that takes time. I would try the virtual button support and update macro stubs in GSE options > troubleshooting.

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Thanks crypt, ill try to test it out also later.

Hello Cryptic, thank you so much for posting the macro. Any chance you could update the talent import string? I get the error messasge that it is for an older version of the game.

Thanks so much in advance :slight_smile:

Hey crypt, i have tested out the v1.7 on M+ it still hangs on the cooldown of the blackout kick, i am using the 1.6 version it still rocks, i have been running 15-16s last night, but i think it needs to tune up a little. ty ty

Try putting the string into the WoWHead talent calculator. I will try to get it updated but they just break.

Thank you for the feed back. I have run v1.7 for a full raid clear and about 10-12 M+ runs and I am not seeing it hang. I will check it out a bit more. What kind of DPS are you pulling overall on the 15-16s?

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Hi crypt, the overall ive got on BRH 16 that i have run last night is around 85.4k DPS/ Healing around 54.8K HPS.

in regards with version 1.7, the hang ups on me is that the Icon stays on Blackout Kick and waiting for the cooldown. i dont know if it is really intended to it to stay like that. hahahaha

Anyway, thank you crypt. still gonna wait for your macro. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I have tested again the version 1.7, it doesn’t seem to stay on blackout kick anymore. will be testing, it seems this much better version now compare to 1.6.

Great. Yeah, definitely not suppose to do that and it is not doing that for me. Let me know how 1.7 is going.

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Updated today 11-22-23. New talent build and updated main and Purifying Brew macros.

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Thanks so much, it works like a charm :slight_smile:


Great game!

Is that a big yes to Asheron’s Call?

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Absolutely, both Asheron’s Call 1 & 2. :slight_smile:

Works like a charm! I added a Tiger Palm for single target fights with Eye of the Tiger talent so I can use it in M+ and raid.

Cheers mate.

Awesome. Can you provide the block number and code in the macro so we can test as well, and some feed back on DPS/HPS?

Currently I am getting about 110k DPS and 50k HPS in M+ runs.

Sure thing. I have to add though, I disabled block 2.5 and 2.10 with Celestial Brew and Expel Harm because I need it manually in raids. I can get enormous shields when purifying stagger manually and then Celestial Brew. I remember one up to 750k. Especially with 4-set that will help tremendously.

In block 2.8 I have a castsequence with Keg Smash and Tiger Palm, essentially deleting Spinning Crane Kick and putting it on a different button. It would be convienent to have Spinning Crane on a modifier like Shift but I can’t get it working without spamming text.

I only did raid yesterday and depending on mechanics single target dps is about 88k.

I hope this helps. Cheers!