Current BM GS Macro for PVE(Updated 8/2/15)

So I’ve read through all of these forum posts and I’ve kinda mixed and matched some others macro’s and came up with an updated version of my own!

Currently at ilvl 696 I am pulling 38-42k in HFC Herioc. My guild is 6/13 Herios HFC.

Updated 8/2/15

Make sure your trinket is macro’d to your agility pot so when you prepot before each fight your trinket will already have been used and wont interrupt your first barrage.

Also, I use Weak Aura’s Focus fire, so when that tells me to use Focus Fire depending on the situation.

I use Azortharion’s guide which can be found here along with his Weak Aura’s Macro.

Obviously Stampede and Focus Fire are on their own buttons so you can maximize DPS

Single Target BM

local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this

Sequences['STBM'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',        
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat !Kill Command,!Kill Shot',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Dire Beast',   
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Bestial Wrath',
        '/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot',	
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1


Sequences['AOEBM'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=10 Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',	
	'/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot',
        '/cast [nochanneling] !Dire Beast', 
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Bestial Wrath',   
	'/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

put trinket on a separate button and macro it with flask. That’s what i do anyway.

That’s not a bad idea. I just like not having to click it every 2 minutes. Is there a way to make it always be clicked first once I start the rotation and not before barrage?

Sequences[‘STBM’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [no pet,no dead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage’,
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat !Kill Command,!Kill Shot’,
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage’
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Dire Beast’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Bestial Wrath’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

just posting it in code box
hmm didnt work

ok just a friendly reminder…

Please don’t bash me…

you need to ----------------- .> make sure you have the code at the top of the file names , " Sequences.LUA " ; file name !

in the file it needs to have on the first line !

local _, Sequences = … – Don't touch this

then the macros would work for you all.
local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this
Sequences[‘STBM’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [no pet,no dead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage’,
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat !Kill Command,!Kill Shot’,
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage’
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Dire Beast’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Bestial Wrath’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

should work if the file was a brand new only this tune will be account wide and only a BM hunter would bennift for the macros

I was just trying to get it into the code box. I believe I deleted the ’ is why it didnt post it in code box

I keep getting syntax errors. I’ve changed all the apostrophes to ’ and still GnomeSequencer throws out a syntax error on the first line and references that I should close with } somewhere else.
Has anyone gotten this to work, and could you post the correct code please? Thanks

local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this
Sequences['STBM'] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [no pet,no dead]Call Pet 1;[@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat !Kill Command,!Kill Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage'
'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
'/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Dire Beast',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Bestial Wrath',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
'/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command',
'/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

And when I log into WoW, I get “GnomeSequencer syntax error on line 21 of Sequences.lua ‘}’ expected (to close ‘{’ at line 2 near ‘’/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command”

I fixed the issue, I was missing a comma at the end of Kill Command. However, with a rune, greater agi flask, and sleeper sushi, I’m only sustaining 29k’ish on the training dummy at 681 ilvl. How are you getting such high numbers? I have my macro bound to my mouse wheel down, so I can just scroll it. Do you hit your macro rapidly or time it? Thanks

the line ‘/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage’ isn’t ended correctly. Missing a , (comma) here, like this:

'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20 Barrage',

Below is the version I use. Still tweaking it, but i don’t get to much errors, I only get the “not ready” ones. :\

-- Test BM Single+AoE Target
Sequences["BeastMaster"] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/targetenemy [noexists][noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling,mod:ctrl/alt]Multi-Shot,Kill Shot
-- /castsequence [nochanneling,nopet,nodead]Call Pet 1;[nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix,Revive Pet
/castsequence [nochanneling,@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix,Revive Pet
-- /castsequence [nochanneling,@pet,exists,help]reset=10 Mend Pet
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Kill Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Kill Command',
[[/castsequence [nochanneling,talent:6/1]reset=15 Glaive Toss;[nochanneling,talent:6/2]reset=45 Powershot;[nochanneling,talent:6/3]reset=20 Barrage]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling,talent:5/1]A Murder of Crows;[nochanneling,talent:5/2]Blind Strikes;[nochanneling,talent:5/3]Stampede]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling,talent:6/1]reset=15 Glaive Toss;[nochanneling,talent:6/2]reset=45 Powershot;[nochanneling,talent:6/3]reset=20 Barrage]],
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=combat !Kill Command,!Kill Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=10 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling,mod:ctrl/alt]reset=10 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]!Kill Command',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Cobra Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling,talent:4/2]!Dire Beast',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]!Kill Command',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Focus Fire,!Kill Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Arcane Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Focus Fire,!Kill Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]!Kill Command',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Multi-Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Arcane Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]Cobra Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling,@pet,exists,help]reset=10 Mend Pet',
'/castsequence [nochanneling,@target,exists,nodead,harm]reset=10 Tranquilizing Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/use [nochanneling]!Berserking
/castsequence [nochanneling,combat]!Bestial Wrath
/castsequence [nochanneling,nomod,combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player]!Spirit Mend
/castsequence [nochanneling,mod:ctrl/alt,combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@pet,exists]!Spirit Mend
/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

/run UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”) << is only enabled by me when troubleshooting, than I also disable the sound and uierrorsframes.

And yes, I know, but as I said i am lazy and using castsequence doesn’t give any benefits but it also doesn’t hurt. At least I don’t have to remove or ad it when changing the rest of the line(s). :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I use this format [talent:5/1] etc, because I also change specs a lot and this way I don’t have to change the macro(s) every single time.
And imho that’s also kinda difficult to do during a raid. :wink:

Tested it just now.
two (2) minutes and with Disabled trinkets and no Racials like Berserking (Troll). ((I just realized I forgot to disable Shamanstone: Buffeting Galefury though.))
I had a boar out as tank pet, the other four (4) pets are elites/exotics. Dunno if that makes a difference when using Stampede.
During this two (2) minute test, i haven’t toughed any key.!
Burst was above 27k DPS, Normalized at around 17k-18k at the end.
Gear is not so good yet it’s ilvl 645, Bow is ilvl 651 (without scope btw., still not attached)
(I don’t have the legendary ring on this char yet. So still a 605 and 640 JC ring.)
For build and the rest check DrEsqueleto on Twilight’s Hammer pvp server.

btw. my other (main) hunter is a Worgen now. Yõthar, ilvl 663. (Nagrand pve server)
tank pet is a Bat, the rest (for stampede) are T-Rex’s. :wink:
same test, 2minutes, no buffs at all, not even shaman stone buffs.
Strangely enough still 21k-25k DPs all around. And imho to much “can’t cast that yet”, “not ready yet” messages.
Probably some spells should be on a other spot in the sequence?
Edit: Changed tank pet to a Shale Spider and changed 1 T-Rex to a Spirit beast. Totally unbuffed and no trinkets (no on Use on them),
DPS is consistently higher now, 21k-27k DPS. Recount’s graph shows 25k-50k+ spikes in DPS. IMHO Much better now.)

DrEsqueleto: 1122333
Yõthar: 112233

I tried the OP’s sequence with build 1122333, but DPS is constantly between 13k-14k, peeked at almost 15k DPS.

ps. I’m not here to say mine is better than yours etc. No, I am trying to find (or make) the best working sequence for me (and hopefully other have profit of it to) and trying to figure out how I can increase my DPS with the least possible use of modifiers or unbound keys/spells.

I am using a CM Storm Mech Brown keyboard with 5 programable Macro keys.
They are set to 60/40 ms, that’s 60ms pressed, 40ms released. (0-60, 61-100, 101-160,161-200, etc etc)

pps. tried build 1121333. DPS with Steady Focus is lower than with Dire Beast. Steady focus gives 21k-24k DPS.

Hey all, I will post an update as soon as I get home later today! Also, I use Weak Aura’s Focus fire, so when that tells me to use it I do.

I use Azortharion’s guide which can be found here along with his Weak Aura’s Macro.

Fokaa your last update isnt working , took some time to find out but at start it go wrong
Sequences[‘STBM’] = {
the Apostrophe are the wrong ones for a weard reason because the rest are the right once

Yea I don’t know why they change over when I copy and paste from my notepad file. I’ll fix them now.

Okay it’s all fixed! I also formatted a bit more, and added in my AOE rotation as well!

I used the op’s macro tonight both with AutoHotKey and bound to my mouse scroll wheel down, and scrolling madly. I am ilvl 686, but only pulling 20k on Normal HFC bosses. What am I doing wrong? My GM is starting to question my dps. (I used to bot, got temp banned, learned my lesson, now trying to make AHK and GS similar dps on a new hunter).

I actually updated single target and multi a little bit. 6/30/15, but also check what I stated below! I can upload a video or talk to you about it. I sent you a pm.

I’m actually going to be switching over to MM soon because it does more dps, but I’m still using this macro along with using Murgees autohotkey and I’ve had no issues pulling 36+ on new normal HFC. My MS on autohotkey is 250. Are you using the Focus fire Weak Aura’s 2 add on I posted? It makes a world of difference on dps. It tells you exactly when to use focus fire, always prepot before boss pulls, and use stampede at the right times.