Sequences['ww'] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast [nochanneling] Fists of Fury",
"/cast [nochanneling] Strike of the Windlord",
"/cast [nochanneling] Whirling Dragon Punch",
"/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm",
"/cast [nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick",
"/cast [nochanneling] Chi Wave",
"/cast [nochanneling] Blackout Kick",
"/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm",
"/cast [nochanneling] Whirling Dragon Punch",
"/cast [nochanneling] Fists of Fury",
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat] Potion of Prolonged Power
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
talents 3133132
i set my rzr synapse at .070
im consistently top dps in m+