Cym's Vengeance (Updated)

i decided To give

Sequences['Dantes_Inferno'] = {

A shot and i do like it Just a few questions.

Do you use it in raids ? if so what legendaries ?

And what legendaries for this macro with mythic +

I repostd the latest version to the front page to stop people looking for an update.

Also as to Leggos… they will work with any as all the macro is doing in it’s main body are dps skills, its up to you how you then use the cooldowns/defensives and what gear (leggos) you’d like to use.

I use this macro for absolutely everything ranging from Raids to Mythics since i am controlling my defenses.

Thanks Cym. I haven’t used my dh for tanking but started too yesterday cos I was sick of the long ques and this macro (namely the second long one) is legit killer. Ty again and keep up the good work

tanked my first norm argus using this tonight worked nicely :smiley:

Fast Slow or somewhere in between and did you have any oh shit moments or fairly smooth?

Not looking for dps numbers :slight_smile:

I’m probably not the best to go off as I didn’t know the fights for a tank lol but I kept in damage range with the other tank. It all seemed to run nice and smooth I enjoyed it. Nice and smooth

hey there,

really love the macro. dont have the muscle memory yet for the mods but thats only a matter of time. i do have a 2 questions though. can i delete Infernal Strike from the macro? every macro i used for vengeance has had Infernal Strike in them and with every macro i have 0 left to move around after a pack is dead or when a new pack is about to be pulled. the majority of people i meet are really impatient so having no mobility kinda sucks. my second question is about your mod for Fiery Brand. when i hold shift it just wont fire of Fiery Brand. it does everything else but that. i manually press the macro, dont have AHK or anything like that.


Yes you can remove Infernal strike from the macro but it will be a dps loss to do so. It’s always like that due to Flame Crash where it leaves a free Sigil of Flame. Also as the tank you should be controlling the pace, not a healer or dps but I always say if you need to get ahead, start running before the last mob dies, to the next pack. :slight_smile:

As to shift not working you will need to check your ingame keybindings to see what shift + whatever is and unbind it

heey Cymiryc,

thanks for your reply. i trying to keep the pace myself unfortionately the dps moves before any of the mobs die. sure with cleave they would eventually die, but without it i would basically pull the whole dungeon because the dps wont kill of remaining trash :P. as for the unbinding of shift binds do you mean every keybind that has shift in it like “shift-pagedown” or just the ones with numbers i.e “shift-1”?


Just the ones you use will be sufficient to fix it.

I think shift-1 etc is based on action bar swapping.

P.S Let the DPS die to to the trash, it’s not their job to pull :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont use any shift binds. the only ones that are still available to me are the ones created by default by blizzard. my pinky is to short to not look like a retard when trying to press shift and a number on my action bar, and with the amount of spells we have today the only keybind i have are 1-5, F1-F4, Q,E,R,F and X, so i dont have any shift binds for any spells.

i used to have this “you pull it, you tank it” mentality and got called toxic for it. now im the slow noob, i guess people are never pleased :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s what i mean: Shift+1 through 6 - By default bound to Action page 1 through 6.
That means in game if you press shift-2 it will switch to action bar 2
It’s not something you have bound to a spell, just something blizzard has added so you can swap bars… never knew why or why so many but hey ho

you need to go into the keybinding menu and unbind those ingame keys. That’s what will stop you using the shift as a mod key because its already defaulted to another action. Just need to clear it :slight_smile:

ive deleted the Shift 1 through 6 and problem solved.
since i had my macro on 2 it indeed kept switching action bars. im so stupid because i noticed the difference in spells on my bars and didnt think about this lol. i thought it some bug again that changed my spells around.
all is working fine now.
i havent really tested other macro’s on the training dummy but with this macro and my ilvl 925 and 1 leggo (archimonde’s Hatred Reborn) having

  • 34,41% crit
  • 18,50% haste
  • 20,48% mastery and 9,65% versatility

i managed to survive 116 stacks before i couldnt keep up with his damage anymore. but thats due to lack of versatility so my selfhealing is lacking but ive only recently started tanking on DH, hence only having 1 leggo :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for the help and great work on the macro. im hoping you will be creating something, some time for bfa aswell :slight_smile: