Cym's Vengeance (Updated)

It wont count as automating as long as you’re holding the key down as you would be at your keyboard holding a key pressed, it just happened to be repeating itself :slight_smile:

Personally i am running these at 1450 when i play my Vengeance DH

Ok I guess I just don’t see the difference between holding the key down and having it automatically repeat until you press it a second time.


Because you’re not pressing the key manually, you’re “automating” by pressing the key getting up out of the seat, making coffee and coming back to you still tanking away while sitting holding the button means you have to cross your legs and wait while a fight is done before you can leave and visit the toilet and not be unattended macroing :stuck_out_tongue:

Basic crude examples

Could someone confirm whether I’m crazy or not and test this macro I made 7 months ago against cym’s current one and see which allows more uberstrikes from training dummy?

My results were that I get 18 stacks with mine and 8 stacks with cym’s.

I feel like I’m doing something wrong here.

Sequences['Veng'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
  Talents = "2,1,2,3,1,1,1",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Soul Carver",
        "/cast Fel Devastation",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Immolation Aura",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Soul Cleave",
        "/cast Sigil of Flame",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Shear",
        "/use [combat] Fiery Brand",
        "/use [combat] Demon Spikes",
        "/use [combat] Empower Wards",

[quote quote=48863]Could someone confirm whether I’m crazy or not and test this macro I made 7 months ago against cym’s current one and see which allows more uberstrikes from training dummy?
My results were that I get 18 stacks with mine and 8 stacks with cym’s.
I feel like I’m doing something wrong here.[/quote]

Not sure the reason for that reply to be honest. You have posted a completely generic macro that uses a completely different build setup.

It might have been better that you make your own thread/post rather than try to hijack others.
On saying that however, thanks to there not being a cookie cutter build for tanks both builds are comparable and either can and will work.

Unsure how you have skewed your numbers so much. In equal testing of running both macros at the same speed (80ms) with no added buttons being pressed (Meta) and allowing both to run until the characters death, they were almost equal to 5 Uberstrike between them.

Your macro ended up with 51 Uberstrikes while mine was 46. HOWEVER, on saying that, I dont use Last Resort so i didnt have a cheat death mechanic to provide me with the extra 30% health regen.
I am 874 on my DH so if you’re only getting 8 and 18 stacks then yeah you must be doing something wrong.

In a rush to piss up a wall, you have not formatted your macro correctly and it will not use Fiery Brand, Demon Spikes or Empower Wards.
You have those sitting in PostMacro which is no longer used UNLESS you’re using Inner Loops, instead they have to sit in KeyRelease to make them fire off, which i had to do to make the macro work.

I actually had it formatted correctly originally but changed it as I was not aware that those now go in key pressed and released.
I also truly was wondering why there was such a gulf between them for me as I was looking for something new after coming back after 7 months. Your ilvl is much higher than mine because of this but even being lower ilvl the gulf still seemed quite massive.

Thanks for the testing you did, it seems maybe it could be ilvl related but it seems odd that there would be such a huge gulf. I’m going to do some further testing and see if I can match the difference size you came up with.


This is an awesome macro, however I have been trying everything to change it to include Spirit Bomb and fracture based on a 1,2,2,2,1,3,1 build but cant seem to get it to work. I tried deleting all Soul Barriers (cause I dont use them) as well as other things.

Can you help byu adjusting the macro to work with the above spec.


You could swap all Soul Cleaves for Spirit Bombs, i have been told that works really well.

It’s one of the reasons i have not changed the macro yet… i was waiting for the nerfs to take effect but seems it’s not been as bad as originally thought so i will go ahead and work on it soon :slight_smile:

I don’t know what is going on but it does great for a bit then on long fights it locks up.

Hey just recently dled GS and eager to try your rotation.
Is this up to date for 7.2.5? And can you make it tuned for this spec? Vengeance Demon Hunter Dragonflight Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Thanks in advance

I love this macro. I mean -love-. I would like to make one change to suit my preferences. I prefer Fel Devastation. Would it be simple as replacing Spirit Bomb or slightly more complex?

Thank you for this macro. The whole macro system really.

I’m not sure that I understand how these things work. I cut and pasted the block code from the first post and imported it into the gs import menu in game. It works, but it doesn’t reset going into or coming out of combat. Is that the correct usage? How do you reset it manually?

[quote quote=50163]You could swap all Soul Cleaves for Spirit Bombs, i have been told that works really well.
It’s one of the reasons i have not changed the macro yet… i was waiting for the nerfs to take effect but seems it’s not been as bad as originally thought so i will go ahead and work on it soon ???

Poke :slight_smile:
Have you done any updating to this? Looking to break from the stock SAM_VENGEANCE macro (which has worked nicely for me) and change my talents to take Fracture and Spirit Bomb… would love an obscenely well done macro to go with it :slight_smile:

I have updated this, just not released it yet.
Its definitely not as long as this was but neither is it just a 1 button job anymore.

I changed it because there are some skills which were defensive cooldowns and you either burned through them when not needed or you burned all charges before hand and were not ready when you really needed them.

So for this I have now added in mods to use when needed.
I have not decided if I will mod Demon Spikes or Soul Cleave, neither are in the macro now.

Fiery Brand has now been moved to a mod function, its not a dps cooldown but more a defensive so it should be used more on line with Demon Spikes so no longer used on cooldown.
Spirit Bomb is the other mod so you can use it whenever you wish, best in AoE but good in ST too.

The update will not suit everyone who is looking to have a 1 button do all, I’ll keep the original up for those who want to use it but this new one, when posted,is designed more to make you think on when to use your defensives and be more reactive.

So this is the new version i am using and i am pretty happy with it so far.
It’s also probably the only macro i will now continue going forward, changing it if and when required or if 7.3+ breaks/makes us.

Sequences['Dantes_Inferno'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "122213?",
  Help = [[Talents 1222131 However, it's versatile with any combo you'd like to use.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Fiery Brand",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Demonic Infusion",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Soul Barrier",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Soul Carver",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/cast [@player] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Shear",

Demon Spikes, Fiery Brand are either modded or activate manually. DS is clicked manually as it’s off the GCD so there is no need to stop/freeze the macro.

I do halt the macro briefly to use Sigil of Silence/Sigil of Misery and Soul Cleave… yes SC should still be used when you need a big heal.

Other than that, it should serve well. I think

is it possible to add say fiery brand and others to this updated one without serious drawback and if so how would i do that? just add them as /cast ? or is there a better way to go about it?

You could add it in as a /cast but it’s something you could always edit in to the macro. As said i believe it should be left out as it’s the only defensive cooldown you have other than Demon Spikes.

If however, you’re doing content you know you won’t take a lage hit then you can use it freely.

Immolation aura is another thing that shouldn’t really be in the macro as it’s best used once you have the group of mobs around you and then fire it off.
For this reason i never start the macro until i torment and glaive and have a large pack on me.

is the ahk speed still the same? (1050) or did that change with the new one? (Dantes_Inferno)

It changed with the new one.

I play with it at about 100ms but at times i drop it to 35ms.
Go with what you feel comfortable with

At what points would you add Empower Wards to the original macro?