You will need to manage your Outbreak. I ran it fast and I am not completely sure where the optimum speed lays. I was able to burst over 55k DPS, on four targets, for the first 20-30 seconds and then it settled into 30-32k -ish. Details of the testing platform this was used on is in the Macro information once imported. It is no where near perfect and I would like some assistance in testing this to try and bring this more in line with a more favorable outcome.
Version 0.1: dyu1haGisGUejuFcksgfLk1PGIuVcLkzws0TKe1UiP(fkzysshJuwgj5zOqtJOCnqzBavFdkmosuNdLY9qPsnqsahKsflekIhsczIajxeiyJOuLrIc6KarVeLQAMuQKBcKANsQFsIyOqrTuuQWtbzQukxLePTce6SKGElr6UeXErmyvhwQfdQEmQMmu6YI2mr1NPKrdvNMWRLeMnf3MuTBHFdz4aLJljYYb8CKMovxxcBhf47uQA8OurNhfTFLjAeBKAncKIuiuLvAndvIDPqsTkIncKT2KHtjqAAmQXOMkceOs5DHXj1AeigMgWiqGycqfOyVQATDB4c6UGU745UJN7Es9DG0Knn3LJa2vKcHQSsRzOsSlfUR3CaK69DB4c6UEZbq7yrjnWu(U3vK7IWr7nNJkcFVnMDGMN0DeWofSKtvVVdsFxq3XMuHvKy3PitAywU3(UJlO7Uqpl3LJa27Dnvv3XedcHDhemY3vAGJmm3bfMHk3bnthxWzx7Yr8cAID3UTJsabmT69DLu4WbYUIDbDNJcQaBcKy37DSc5Yf8cJV3WfgHZC3r76nhaTdgacSeWWChEY7cAU7i0UEbhFxblcr4z4cu0gfCVGM7c6EVhPVdkmdTBquQ69DB4c6UEZbq72lmMDEt9DHVJcEU3b2DkoQWGDN3uFhf7DWCps73BELkeaj2DVbSsx9(oiLVZevShzIDx47ajVP(UJNXEbn3zpTDhT7nGv67mrfa00ix9(UDadXBdtWO5UUWc33fHWfTXWCVGM72lC8DuyyURvzg3PEZRGUJKVlpPEcicRD7rfbwQ69DgISpzqcuUl8DkoQWGDxUGDUlCAAKVJyqcS7c9u9(oi9DQlmMDkoQWGDhSeqocqFhvXok2PIWYK7EdyLU69DiWsoDxocyhtmie2DqWiFxPboYWChuz74veclCFxeEceTz3tQlcRDbDxyyGzxwvvL7GxQmBGVd5aL7AWudUI3veGWl31QQMrfVZWM6z5ommu8oOBQNaml3bXeGUZMAmKPy1772WZD9MdG2f0DGIyV9DvW0PL7OyxN5Egyl3Hx47jdYy3XBFxxyH77bY3HN7iWCHEB2B6oi3PUWy2LlWI1icRD7fo(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(UuoshE7LbIJ3rKgryjzxzySjtzItGy)KjMbskLyJuRrGy5nGv6zK6m3Lgi8gqxIuSzJvcXjoXjqqGLCqcksTkyQiqGUJI2aYWtagKHlqbbtioXjea
retained for version changes and fixes (Odd versions are test versions, Even versions are consider an acceptable release):
0.1 First test version released
Known bugs (Some abilities fail to randomly fire immediately after CD over but eventually will fire - Death and Decay, Unholy Frenzy, Apocalypse [first firing possibly under 4 stacks of festering], and Dark Transformation)
Thanks for the appreciation. I am glad I am back in some capacity. I spent 2 full days testing sans Mythic+ 10 in that time. It have been testing now in a more realistic capacity. I have yet to run it via an M+ but eventually I will. This is the way all my releases will be done. Not sure if I am going to move testing builds onto something else with a link that way I don’t have to make a larger post. I can’t spend so much time to release macros or else I just lose the fun in gaming. You suggested, when we last exchanged messages, I should make testing available to the community so I am taking your advice.
Me, personally I was spamming this at 25ms. I have tested it 25, 50, 65, 100, 136ms. Still trying to find a nice number that makes a huge difference. Yet to find it… If I run it too slow Apocalypse’s first use is pretty crummy but then smooths out after. If I run it fast I can forego the issue of Apocalypse and it fires a little better. However, it is likely that then some other abilities can late fire (albeit not horrible, just not ideal).
I do know that this build is a huge burn on larger add counts. On single targets, I tested it at 17-19k (most of the time). There is still a fluctuation that I am trying to weed out. This build, I know, is heavy on making sure your adds get out and also that your mastery is high. After that it is a balancing act with the other stats. Stat Priority are like this: Mastery (by alot for quite some time, still out weights all other stats and I am near 60%) > Haste >= Crit > Versatility. For most UH builds, and this included, you should be stacking Festermight in your Azurite Traits. After that it is pretty much anything you can do to add or give power to your minions or a stat bonus/flat damage increase to you. I am not talking like the whole summon raptors to do damage thing or globule bombs, etc. The defensives are at your discretion. I use Helchains and Ghoul Explosions but I know there is summoning skeletal mages that will smooth out the variance between aoe and single target.
Ok, I am going to try a clever trick I learned but essentially it is using a macro to fire a macro so that the castsequence may not cause issues. I think this is where the problem may lay as castsequence always fires with an odd delay if it is not the last thing in a sequence. This delay ends up with a net dps loss at times and can be quite a critical issue. I will let you know if I can adjust this issue and improve performance with it. It may allow me to take out extra ability uses that I am generally not fond of. The longer the macro the more issues it may have. This is the reason I tried to take things off the castsequence anyways.
I need help to analyze this macro to clear some things up. I think it is having issues with burning runes too fast. This affects timing on Festering Strike, Outbreak, and Scourge Strike.
took it for a spin, was nowhere near as efficient with runes and ability usage.
first I would drop the channeling from the macros as well as auto trinket usage while having everything automated is great, and easy it makes things very sub-par.
having everything listed as you have ends up to effectively just slapping the keyboard randomly.
your macro will only use the pre and post macro once the entire time.
things to consider.
remove Duplicate spell references like death coil. you only need it once and as it is based on RP it will fire every time it has resources.
how I deal with the outbreak issue because its something you want to just keep up to maintain plague uptime. I wove in with SS like below. for example /castsequence [nomod] reset=combat Outbreak, Scourge Strike, Scourge Strike, Scourge Strike, Scourge Strike
Depending on how fast you run your macro you can increase or decrease the amount of SS so by the time it gets back to the next outbreak its time to refresh.
to control Festering, I have it listed in premacro and use loop limit to control the frequency.
have you considered trying epidemic for that extra aoe?
Thanks for some clues to research. I built this on a build of and unholy DK I know. We are both part of the streaming community on Twitch. I did consider adding Epidemic and am still mulling it over in my head. I also am not fond of the castsequence string because it does tend to create a slight delay. It isn’t massive but it does exist. I will look into it further though. I will also try running my macros slower as most people tend to like them running slower. Slower will aid in the “not enough resources” issue. I am in the process or trying to rework all my macros, but have been on priority for this one and my retribution macro (only because it has been a while since I touched it because I rarely play Ret).
Also forgot to add, the newest personal build of this macro removes all the duplicates.
the strength of the cast sequence is the ability for control. if you are getting those issues with it its often from things listed outside the sequence cutting in for lack of a better term. generally to overcome this is to have only abilities with long CDs or conditionals to minimize sequence interference.
be careful as running slower can reduce performance. while trying to find the optimum speed, UH gets mess up with runic corruption procs, plus there are situations where its beneficial to hold off using anything for a couple of globals. to combat this you have to find a happy working average. but ill leave you to it
Wow sorry on the delay John. Thanks for the insight! This will come in handy once I get back to active duty on updates and playing randomly this week. I am going to release a beta style and final style macro. When I make a final release it will be after enough time for people to test it.
I made a couple of tweaks to this macro to make it a little easier to use for DC procs as well as Epidemic if you pick that talent. Here is what I did:
I added a mod:alt line in the KeyPress section to help fire off Death Coil when its free.
Duplicated the macro and called it AOE and placed in Epidemic vs Death Coil in the sequence. Seems to run pretty well with my crappy gear at present.
dmuEhaalk4waf1UakYVGkdJIGJbLwguvpdO00OiY1iABuL6BuLOXrLZrHswhfjUhfkmqks6Guu1cHQuEiufteO6IuLWgPOYiPOOtsrkVKIuntOkXnPO0oLQ(jqHHsvslLIcpfWuPQCvkIARuOYzPi0Brf3fvAVq(lfk1GL0HfwmOhJmzrxgLnR6ZsLrdKtJQEnvHztj3gk2Ts)wIHtv0XPqvlxXZPutNW1PQA7uOOVdvP68uiRhQsA(K2VugHf5d1JfbGhteamBY9MjyGxmrJT5bdVa1JpYhcWxyXwHncalwWIfSyXhbyMmlpraghBS5lBRAcGjSTkcaC2d)wcupweaGNmY0ah1JVeFeG59lavgeaEmYweuWmvZpDSv0QGh49fby2GMIXXgB(YAJ8H6XI8H6XIau6pZi(XrHTqNwvPFNdcZuPFPKiPKZwiqXUml(TJRoTQs)oheMPze82SwfCwK6OdQhFeGs)zgXpo)2mDAvL(LsIKsoubdmeg2cbk2LzXVDC1Pvv635GWmXcwDq9GfbO0FMr8JZVntNwvPFPKiPKdvWadHHTqGIDzw8BhxDAvL(DoimtSMKoOEtcbO0FMr8JJcBHnZ49ZwIPtRQ0VuMjrk9lLejLC2cbk2LzXVDCB1HzZegdrmDmboQGbgIwvhDAvL(DoimtL(DoimtWWVaoSWdD0XqRQ0VZbHzQ0)V3E7T3RFllD0b1lrak9Nze)4OWwOtRQ0VZbHzQ0VusKuYHkyGHWWwiqXUml(TJRoTQs)oheMP59SqHLrEAZ0rhuV3iaL(ZmIFCuyl0Pvv635GWmv6xkjsk5qfmWqyyleOyxMf)2XvNwvPFNdcZe8y8Ov9nXA)YGje8LvhDq9EjcqP)mJ4hhf2cDAvL(DoimtL(LsIKsoubdmeg2cbk2LzXVDC1Pvv635GWmn5fuXYOw1CdBXRgPJoOEhcqP)mJ4hhf2cDAvL(DoimtL(LsIKsoubdmeg2cbk2LzXVDC1Pvv635GWmbOI)PJ1QaIH3dMo6G6nwiaL(ZmIFCuyl0Pvv635GWmv6xkjsk5icl2kmfVXbwdubdmeg2cbk2LzXVDC1Pvv635GWm9cp5tggEshDq9ynbeGs)zgXpokSf60Qk97CqyMk9lLejLCOcgyimSfcuSlZIF74QtRQ0VZbHzAoMTGn8BxRcigEpy6OdQhlweGs)zgXpokSf60Qk97CqyMk9lLejLCOcgyimSfcuSlZIF7myQEAfgXgU60Qk97CqyMGZcbOwn2SvbNrHr6OdQhl(iaL(ZmIFCuyl0Pvv635GWmv6xkjsk5qfmWqyyleOyxMf)2XvNwvPFNdcZeCwia1Q4PWBPJoiaVwSfMnOPG8H6XIau6pZi(XrHTqNwvPFNdcZuPFPKiPKdvWadHHTqGIDzw8BhxDAvL(DoimtaQ4F6yTkGy49GPJoOE8rak9Nze)4OWwOtRQ0VZbHzQ0VusKuYHkyGHWWwiqXUml(TJRoTQs)oheMj4SqaQvXtH3shDqceGPZmYmywSWMH8HeiaabZtZ5FjbFzraamJ3pBf8HfcW3WVEWeyrqeGVHF9GjWhbraEDyMnOPG8H6XIau6pZi(XrHTqNwvPFNdcZuPFPKiPKdvWadHHTqGIDzw8BhxDAvL(DoimtZXSfSHF7AvaXW7bthDqceGPZmYRdZ2g5d1JfbO0FMr8JtethtWwggJ0Pv5SfqXGHlNKfjxup(iaL(ZmIFCuyl0Pvv635GWmv6xkjsk5GPKMsyjmqfmWqyyleOyxMf)2XvNwvPFNdcZeCwia1Q4PWBPJoibsGeiaZgR)WY0wbBmMSvWxweEdjqcecUsage Information
Version 0.1 - Created by Cystacae, modified by FarmerJim
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.16.