Dad Bod BM Hunter WOTLK Classic



Talents: Wrath CLASSIC

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.00-1.

AHK script running at 50ms // Has the GCD Pause to help keep it from looping Steady Shot.

Good luck, Have fun!

not sure whats been happening of late, but i’ve tried to import this macro and BAM macro, both only show the “book” macro icon. I’ve installed the current version you copied from up to the most recent version. Also updated to the current spell rank i know. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Yea, I ran into this recently myself. Apparently, you can only have a certain number of macros saved in GSE. I deleted some old/unused ones and I was able to create an icon. Seems weird, but it worked.

*Edit: Just ran into it again. Don’t have to delete the actual macro, just the icon. So remove any unused macro icons and you’re good to go.

thank you that helped, that allowed me to start using it, now gotta figure why hunters mark keep going off. Whats weird for the icon is that it says i can have 18 and on my hunter i have 3. Curious if its all toons and possibly retail?

It works now, I don’t think i fixed anything lol