This is my first Macro set up, This is for rogue Sub spec.
WOW Patch-10.0.7
250 ms
Focus=Tricks of the Trade
I know NOTHING about creating macros, I looked up macros made by other users to see how the format and qualifiers should be written. I looked up a rotation for rogues from Wowhead, I want to incorporate other things into this macro to make it better so if anyone has tips or tricks or suggestions for me let me know. I want to make this one very good and then maybe expand into other classes.
If anyone knows how to get an alt modifier so I can make the AOE rotation let me know.
I would also like to know if its possible to pop crimson vial at a certain percent health
GENERAL Subtlety Rogue Knowlege/Notes
Some of these may not be in the rotation, this is purely for my benefit or anyone who wants a quick reference for spell times/energy/effects/combo points
This is made so I can simplify times and spells
Rogue Rotations/moves
Instant poison (dps) //cant be used with Wound Poison
Wound poison (dps/reduce heals) //cant be used with Instant Poison
Crippling Poison (movement speed) //cant be used with Atrophic Poison
Atrophic Poison (reduce target damage) //cant be used with Crippling Poison
Shadowstep (teleports behind target){1-2charges}[30 sec cd]
Get combo points
Gloomblade-35 energy +1point [no cd]
Shadowstrike-40 energy +3points[no cd] //requires stealth
Cold Blood +100 crit [45sec cd]
Tricks of the Trade (threat redirect) [30 sec cd]
Shiv (dispel enrage) [25 sec cd]
Shadow Blades (50% shadow dmg) 20sec duration [2min cd]
Use Combo Points
Rupture [-no cd] (dot damage)
Secret Technique [-1min cd] (lowers cd per combo point)
Kidney Shot (5combo point limit) [20 sec cd]
Slice and Dice (attack speed increase) [no cd]
Eviscerate [no cd]
Energy Regeneration
Symbols of Death 40 energy+10% damage (10sec duration) [30 sec cd]
Thistle Tea {3X charges} (100 energy+Mastery) 6sec duration [1min recharge]
Shuriken Storm (35 energy) +1 combo point [no cd]
Stay alive
Crimson Vial 20 energy (Heals 20% hp) [30 sec cd]
Cloak of Shadows (magic immune/removal/resist 5sec) [2min cd]
Feint (40% AOE dmg reduced) 6sec duration [15 sec cd]
Evasion (dodge 100%) 10sec duration [2min cd]
Vanish {1-2 charges} [2min cd]