Sequences['DAVVVVEPROTWARR'] = {
  StepFunction = "Priority List",
  Talents = "3,1,2,2,2,2,2, PVP Adaption , Shield Bash ,Sword and Board ,Moral Killer",
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Thunder Clap',
'/cast Shield Bash',
'/cast Revenge',
'/cast Demoralizing Shout',
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Impending Victory',
'/cast Ignore Pain',
'/cast Avatar',
'/cast Shield Block',
'/cast Blood Furu',
'/cast Shield Slam',
'/cast Battle Shout',
'/cast Shield Wall',
'/cast Devastate',
'/cast Berserker Rage',
'/cast Pummel',
'/cast Pummel',
'/cast Shockwave',
'/cast Spell reflection',
PostMacro = [[
'/cast Rallying Cry',
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

StepFunction = “Priority List”, It dont work so you get to press edit , then press the 1 on the right from configuration and change it from Sequential to Priority list . Its a one button spam button . Feel free to change it how ever you like . And please tell me what y think .

Tanked Pateon raid and mytic + dung without any issue .


Added avatar to shift modifier so that it wouldn’t waste on trash.

Forgive the noob question please, but what is the difference in the coding between Swedave’s in the original post and Abby’s in the last post? I have seen the change of format on a number of other macros…are they interchangeable? For different versions?


[quote quote=61129]
Added avatar to shift modifier so that it wouldn’t waste on trash.[/quote]

I only removed avatar from the sequence and put it in a modifier so that it wouldn’t waste it on trash and not have it for a fight.

Thanks for that, works well in pvp. Can I just remove Shield Wall and Slamming so I can work it manually?

Danke dafür , funktioniert gut im pvp. Kann ich Schildwall und Zuschlagen einfach entfernen , damit ich es manuell wirken kann?

Sequences[‘DAVVVVEPROTWARR’] = {

StepFunction = “Priority List”,
Talents = “3,1,2,2,2,2,2, PVP Adaption , Shield Bash ,Sword and Board ,Moral Killer”,
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Avatar’,
‘/cast Thunder Clap’,
‘/cast Impending Victory’,
‘/cast Shield Block’,
‘/cast Shield Bash’,
‘/castsequence [combat] Revenge,Demoralizing Shout,Blood Fury,Battle Shout,Pummel’,
‘/cast Shockwave’,
‘/cast Spell reflection’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Ignore Pain
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Do not have GCDs so they will do better a Keypress and KeyRelease .

If you are going to use post macros, then you need to set a loop limit for it to work. Pre Macros for the most part will work without a loop limit, but It is still best to set one.

Loop limits tells the macro, on how meany complete cycles of the macros before the pre and post macro reset, so that they can fire off again.

Example: With a loop of 4 the pre and post macros will fire once, and then wait for 3 more complete cycles be for they fire again.

Pre macro default as if the loop was set at 1: So you really don’t really set a loop limit of you want the pre macro to fire off each and every time. However post macro default at 0: So if they will never fire off if you don’t set a loop limit.

Was a big fan of this macro in legion, primarily because it took care of ignore pain as well. With this 8.0 version, IP doesn’t seem to be firing off for me at all. All my rage is being consumed by the other abilities. Any workarounds for this? Cheers.

Sry i m really new to gse… dont know now is the makro in the start post the actually one ore the one posted later?

[quote quote=61262]Sequences[‘DAVVVVEPROTWARR’] = {
Author=”DAVVVVE”, StepFunction = “Priority List”, SpecID=73, Talents = “3,1,2,2,2,2,2, PVP Adaption , Shield Bash ,Sword and Board ,Moral Killer”, PreMacro = [[ /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] ]], ‘/cast Avatar’, ‘/cast Thunder Clap’, ‘/cast Impending Victory’, ‘/cast Shield Block’, ‘/cast Shield Bash’, ‘/castsequence [combat] Revenge,Demoralizing Shout,Blood Fury,Battle Shout,Pummel’, ‘/cast Shockwave’, ‘/cast Spell reflection’, PostMacro = [[ /cast [combat] Ignore Pain /startattack /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ]], }[/quote]

This new Code (random letters/numbers) is for the more recent versions of GSSE. While the old code will still work (for now) with these new version of GSSE, the new code will not work with older versions of GSSE.

Ignore pain in legion was not part of the global cool down (gcd) so you could pretty much spam it as you saw fit. In BFA, blizz has saw fit to destroy protection warriors by adding Ignore pain to the GCD. This means that after any other talent casts, you have about a 1.5 second wait before Ignore pain can be cast. To pour more salt on the wound, Ignore Pain is now a flat 40 Rage cost where previously it had different costs that determined how much Ignore Pain you received.

This is going to be nearly impossible to get auto cast in a macro effectively. Your two biggest rage spenders are going to be Revenge (30 rage) and Ignore Pain (flat 40 rage). Your best bet for trying to use Ignore Pain in a macro is to put Revenge and Ignore pain on a modifier key or manually push. Use Revenge only when it’s free or you have extra rage and cast Ignore Pain as you need it or have extra rage.