Deadly Hunter 8.5

I’ve decided to post here for those that aren’t in the Hunter Macro Discord Channel!!

I run this at 50ms/ 0.050 for razor users. Enjoy!!!



What hunter discord? Is there a code to join

It’s under Deadly Hunters Camp in Discord.

Or Discord
This link expires in one day.

it works a lot b and it doesn’t have the function / targetenemy [noharm] [dead]

You don’t always want that command in the macro, in order to prevent you from auto-targeting enemies that aren’t currently engaged. I always remove it from macros I use in LFR and dungeons. BGs and questing/world quests, it’s fine to use.

Import says this is read only.

but I only said because the macro won’t be edited
but thanks anyway

Even if a macro can not be edited you can always copy things from one macro to another. Don’t see the problem. Even if people set the macro to not be edited the macro code can still be copied. Honestly I do not care about it. I copy what i need and add/remove for personal use. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Exactly, You can always copy/paste in Notepad, edit it and make a new macro. It’s not rocket science, people.