Dejaro's DW Frost DK Macro - 11.0 Updated 10/20

Macro now works for Shattering Blade and Breath Builds.

You will need to manual cast Howling Blast and Soul Reaper
Added DnD to Macro

GSE Macro


Breath - Hold CTRL to prevent Frost Strikes from casting


Shattering Blade - M+


Shattering Blade - Raid


9/10 - Updated with Repeaters


Thank you! Do you open with Howling blast and DnD, then spam macro?

1 Like

Hi Dejaro, your rotation is probably the best used at around 250MS. Do you think it’s possible to create another OPENER macro using this framework?
Our goal is to activate your high powered cooldowns before ‍Pillar of Frost and then cast as many ‍Killing Machine empowered ‍Obliterates during your ‍Pillar of Frost. Below, you see an example of how your opener should look.


atm castsequence reset=combat doesnt work inside GSE you would have to run it as a normal ingame macro to create an opener

yeah got a mouse with several buttons and manually cast HB and DnD

bro so simple and works amazing

1 Like

Hey, thanks a lot for the macro. Is a 2handed or dual wield weapon better for this?

updated the macro 10/20 now supports both main frost specs


can anyone help me here?

Message: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:561: attempt to index local 'spellinfo' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Oct 22 17:52:10 2024
Count: 4
Stack: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:561: attempt to index local 'spellinfo' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua"]:483: in function <...ace/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua:446>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua"]:285: in function <...nterface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:279>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

Locals: owningFrame = DJ's_Frostv3 {
signature = "self,button,down"
body = "    local mods = "RALT=" .. tostring(IsRightAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LALT=".. tostring(IsLeftAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "AALT=" .. tostring(IsAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "RCTRL=" .. tostring(IsRightControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LCTRL=" .. tostring(IsLeftControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "ACTRL=" .. tostring(IsControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "RSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsRightShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsLeftShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "ASHIFT=" .. tostring(IsShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "AMOD=" .. tostring(IsModifierKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "MOUSEBUTTON=" .. GetMouseButtonClicked()
    self:SetAttribute('localmods', mods)
    local step = self:GetAttribute('step')
    step = tonumber(step)
    if self:GetAttribute('stepped') then
        self:SetAttribute('stepped', false)
        for k,v in pairs(spelllist[step]) do
            if k == "macrotext" then
                self:SetAttribute("macro", nil )
                self:SetAttribute("unit", nil )
            elsfactory = <table> {
LOCAL_Closure_Factories = <table> {
 self = <table> {
 self,message,button = <table> {
 self,message,button,down = <table> {
 self,scriptid,message = <table> {
 self,name,value = <table> {
 self,... = <table> {
 self,stateid,newstate = <table> {
 self,button,kind,value,... = <table> {
 self,button,down = <table> {
LOCAL_execution_count = 1

try updating to the newest GSE Addon Build

I’m on the newest version of GSE and when I import the macro I see the following:

WARNING ONLY: Sequence Named DJ’s_Frostv3 was not specifically designed for this version of the game. It may need adjustments.

Then the macro doesn’t fire off anything.

EDIT: This macro works perfectly fine on GSE version 3.2.16-d, if you upgrade to the 3.2.17 version it breaks.


or which version is better

So with Breath build I spam the sequence and when I see that I entered Breath I just hold CTRL right?

it works? when i press CTRL doesn’t…

you hold ctrl while using your key to fire the macro, control modifier prevents the frost strike.

you may have to make a keybind for you macro key and ctrl+macro key

/castsequence [known:57330] Horn of Winter, Pillar of Frost; Pillar of Frost
In block 2.4

/cast [mod:ctrl] Null; Frost Strike
in block 2.6.2.

Missing something between [ and ] ?

this isn’t full auto i don’t thinik right? its just your cycle skills.