Dek's High-Performance BM Sequence for M+ 11.0.5 (23/10/2024) v1.0

Hey folks, turned my eye back to the hunter, heres what I have so far. Its keeping me competitive in mid level keys and delves. Im actually pretty happy with ST but AOE I think can be improved.

I bind to 2 separate keys and use ST when there is only one thing active, or when Call of the Wild is active (since that activates beast cleave), and AOE when theres more stuff active. Full video breakdown and demonstration below.

Examples from overall damage in keys vs dungeon sim:

+5 AK
+7 SV
+6 GB



AOE Sequence:



Single Target:



Demo Video:


we gonna try this on 7-10 key and come back for you

:dragon: Love to see fresh beasty blood on the scene post rework! Will try and report back. :bow_and_arrow:

ST is 85% of sim at 100ms

Thanks for that, that isnt bad at all! I know some specs can get closer but I have generally strived for 90% lol.

Will say, been sitting here next to a MM doing the same. The new animations for dark ranger look awesome. One issue, we seem to have a black arrow bug. The new proc for it sometimes shoots across the room at an untargeted enemy. Might need to be addressed by blizzard. At ILvl 601 add cleave does 1.5 mil dps over an extended time on a 5 pack.

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:100: Unintended 360 noscope pulls coming to a dungeon near us via stray black arrows :bow_and_arrow:

What specs come closer in your opininon?

Orbalisk has made an excellent ret paladin sequence that is hitting around 93-95% right now, that is the best ive seen this season. Throughout DF I had a BM sequence that was 95-99% of sim, but Ive not been able to recreate it yet this season. It is rare but it happens. In previous DF seasons ive also seen MM hunter and havoc DH do similar numbers, and have read about augmentation doing it too but havent played it myself. The only other DPS ive spent significant time on this season is ret and orbalisks templar sequence is fantastic.

To be clear, I think that 85% of sim is enough for 95% of content, certainly for heroic / early mythic raid and for keys up through 10, as long as you can do mechanics and play the rest of your class well, your damage will be sufficient. Anything more than that is nice to play and fun to be on top, but its not gonna make much difference in what you can do.


I got it working very well in BGs by using icy veins pvp talents and adding a bloodshed block to the sequence

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Awesome thanks for letting me know! I am going to keep working to refine it, and ill introduce version labels so we can keep track of whether changes work out for others as well.

Dek, this is working great! Thanks!

5min duration on training dummy (AOE=5)
No buffs

Sim @ 1.88m
Macro @ 1.65m
I noticed explosive shot is up for a long time before being used.

Sim @ 712k
Macro @ 648k

Ran them a few times and got a pretty wide range but these numbers are about the average.

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awesome macro i pulled over 950k dps on the pvp dummys with the single target

What haste do people have I sit on 20% and don’t get numbers people are getting? Some people say you need 30% to see the best for bm ranger or pack

30% is best but its impossible with how stats work right now. Youd need over 20k haste which is not available at our current ilvl and statting alottments. Haste is, imo, our best stat, because it makes the class easier to play well, so I recommend pushing it. You can see my stats posted above and I am at 15% unbuffed. A balanced blend of haste, crit, and mastery will do best for you overall, with mastery boosting AOE dps more and Crit boosting ST dps slightly more, but they are all very close and the best statting is mostly balanced with as little verse as possible.

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But a macro for pack leader which is now the best?

Hi, at first thanks for doing and joining your marcos with us.
I wanted to know what MS your running and do you also use Razer Synapse? Thx for reply

I dont use a turbo button for these sequences, I bind it to my mousewheel and scroll, and also have it on a thumb key on my mouse I can tap quickly. I measured my speed once and hit around 250 apm, which works out to a speed of about 250ms. Ive heard that 100ms is a sweet spot for making these sequences work well as well, so you might try that.

But is it also good for spec pack leader?