Hi, I’m sorry if I’m so alone, but maco 4 stops all the time. I do not understand why.
okay so updated please let me know if you still have that happen also are you using the tialent build listed for tab 4? just wonduring
okay so i use db to start each fight then start casting the macro and once i see demonic core procks i use db 2-3 times as long as it has demonic core proc after hand of gualdan once you get the feel for the flow of it like that it all falls in place
what is your talent tree build? can you post it as well. Or am i just over looking it somewhere.
my talent builds are in the first post under usage information they are listed tabs 1-5 with my talent codes you can copy and import in game to your talent tree
thank you, i found it. it seems 1 and 2 are putting out the most dps while leveling from 60-70 but that could just be me. they all seem really good on the practice dummies. you’re doing great work.
tysvm but i cant take all the credit if it was not for creators like @Elfyau or @Izzi or @Moonsorow and others who started do this way befor me as well as @TimothyLuke and everyone else invalved in making gse i give all credit to them
@arnold-newton If I may ask, what MS are you running this at? unless I missed it if it was already said.
I wish I played Demo, I just can’t get around to it. It feels wrong to me, but I grew up playing Affliction and Destro.
I’ll need to play it one day, as I know it’s doing well in M+ and Raids.
@Moonsorow nothing wrong playing with what you love. “Bring the better player, not the better spec.”
I agree!!! But you know how Blizzard is now. Its no longer about the player, its about the meta. And that’s the issue.
i dont mess with the ms tbh
agreed, FOTM has been ruling for ages.
just checking in is everything working well for all of you who are using my macro? please let me know and please leave your thoughts and feed back tysvm
I am 100% new to this… I have been doing M+ and N raiding so far and by numbers it is questioning my ability to Demo Lock. I only AVG 15k on 7/8 normal and in M+ it is better… but about 35k because of the AOE packs (cleave build). Down to the post… I see DB and implosion are manual buttons… what others are we manually pushing with this macro? I am getting 52k on the 5 cleave dummies in Valdrakken PvP room without using any manuals (there does seem to be a few lags where nothing happens every once in awhile. Can you help me better understand and hopefully get better? TYVM
okay np first witch tab are you using? and are you using the talents listed for that tab? second DB for the most part is only manual i use when it procks off demonic core unless its opener for boss fight as implosion gose only serten tabs use it others dont thats why i asked what tab your using and if you are using the talents that are listed for that tab to better help you get the most out of this macro
Can you give a rundown on what the differences are in each tab (version)?
Is one aimed for Raid well the other is aimed for M+?
tab 5 and yes i am using the talents
also the following post is a great question… do we have a raid tab and a M+ tab?
okay so tab 5 is not complet to me its a work in progres thing tabs 1-4 are working tabs
tab one is for mythic +
tab 2 is AoE/Cleave Raid Talent Build
tab 3 is Nether Portal Build mythic/ raids but up to you
tab 4 is Warlock Standard Raid Talent Build focused on single target
tab 5 is basicly i say lvling build mess around and try new things
i recomend tab 2 and 4 mainlly for raiding tab 1 and 3 for mythic+
my bad if thats not in the original post
i have updated the original post to include this
@Master85 @deuce
ahhhh… this is probably why i was having difficulty with it… i was using a leveling build in M+…lol
ill test 1 and 3 later tonight and give you feed back… im installing my new 49 UW monitor right now… but excited to try the other tabs