Destruction – 5.1

[quote quote=5704]Yes Fel Flame refreshes Immolate, which got me wondering because it uses a global whether it is a dps loss or gain so I did some tests. Removed my trinkets and enchanted weapon so there are no procs and used a plain unenchanted weapon. All tests made till mana ran out. /castsequence reset=target Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate,Incinerate – Immolate drops off for 1 sec and took ages to run out of mana 25.5k dps /castsequence reset=target Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate - Immolate refreshes 2-4 secs early and took ages to run out of mana 25k dps /castsequence reset=target Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Fel Flame,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate – ran out of mana a fair bit faster 25.5k dps /castsequence reset=target Immolate,null
/castsequence reset=target Incinerate,Incinerate,Fel Flame – as per Davids above macro, mana runs out really fast (5 rotations max) so tested it with full mana 10 times average dps was 25k. From all this I have concluded Fel Flame is a mana hog and neither a dps increase nor decrease. Now this will differ with a full rotation (mana wise) – ie using Conflag, Chaos Bolt etc. @David tested your macro and it locks up after Immolate>Conflag for me at least – the following did work well for me, maybe something wrong my end. /castsequence reset=target Curse of the Elements,Immolate,null
/castsequence reset=5 Incinerate,Incinerate,Fel Flame
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Chaos Bolt
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Shadowburn
/castsequence reset=0.3 Conflagrate
/cast [combat] Dark Soul: Instability
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm][dead] [/quote]


From that I would think it would be just best to not use Fel Flame, as once you start using Conflagrate and other stuff, you be going OOM, I know when you down to 60% mana you should try and use a CB to regain you mana. Also only time I think fel flame would be good is when you get a crap load of procs and then you can just it to update immolate if it has more then 50% of its remaning duration left, if it has 50% or under left, using a immolate would just be better. Been trying affliction and learn that as long as you dot has either 50% or less of its duration left, thanks to Pandemic you lose no DPS refreshing your dots early. So it should work the same way with Destro.

Also with Affliction you want to refresh your dots when you get procs to max the damage they do, so for destro makes sense to refresh immolate when you are under as many Int procs as you can get - for me I have Light of Cosmos trinket, and Darkmoon Relic, and enchanted with Jade Spirit. along with the Eng Tinker use. SO when Light procs I wait a few secs to see if anything other procs then I redo immolate to have the strongest one up I can

Cool I’ll move down my Immolate into the main sequence and extend the incinerates.

Silly question time but just wonderingif I could squeeze in a builder with the main nuke?

So having something like :-

/castsequence reset=target Curse of the Elements,null
/castsequence reset=target Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate
/castsequence reset=target Incinerate,Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Chaos Bolt,Dark Soul: Instability
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Shadowburn
/castsequence reset=0.3 Conflagrate

/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

In theory we would have hopefully a full set of embers then the first CB would go off without the Dark Soul buff but then as its top priority the next 2 / 3 would have it?

It may of course lock up and if the mob dies before we get the CB’s off. There is reason behind my madness of trying to get it all on one button I do want to achieve a nice end dps but I use a normal 3 button mouse and have them mapped out so I have key presses to do and I have to play one handed so taking my hand of the mouse to click buttons then back to the mouse to dodge something becomes very tricky…

I like the hotbar switch stuff you’ve done but alas playing one handed again I tend to have a lot of my action bars all showing on screen (8) 9 / 10 I leave for form changes etc. But it seems you can only switch bars 1 to 6?

Perhaps working the above one into a hotbar switch if I can get the rotation to atleast 3 embers before the switch which then have the CB rotation in it.

Anyway thank you for the testing results I’ll play and see if I can work an albeit not top ideal top dps but 1 hand boss friendly.

Thank you once more for the sterling work peeps







Alas it still fires off CB when you have 1 ember up, and making it swapaction bars just flits between the two and still fires off with one full ember.

I think I’ll just have to admit defeat and have a trash macro and two for bosses.


Unless someone can build 3 / 4 embers and then fire of a CB either in the same amcro or using the swapbar method but I can’t see it happening.

True David about this problem. You cannot tell a macro to wait till 3-4 embers are there before using another ability because it wants to use the first ember available. WoW macros unfortunately have no delay system.

I honestly think what you suggested is ideal, have one or two macros for trash/low health mobs and the main builder for boss fights then do the DS:I/CB/SB manually. You can even macro DS:I with CB/SB like this
/cast Chaos Bolt
/cast Dark Soul: Instability

And you can do the same with Shadowburn but I advise not to because SB is used too often and you won’t want to waste DS:I for 1 SB… This also allows you to manually cast CB while DS:I is on CD. Even when off CD you can safely cast 1 Chaos Bolt (hit button once only) without activating DS:I. I always have DS:I on a separate keybind and hit it manually for 4 in a row effect.

In the meantime I am working on an aoe macro - tested F&B>Conflag on 5 mobs and you get an instant ember from Conflag hitting all 5 mobs which is awesome so in theory with 5 mobs or more you could do this


>F&B>Incin>RoF Trouble with that is you cannot macro RoF so delete them and time it manually. This might work:

/castsequence [mod]Fire and Brimstone,Curse of the Elements;reset=5 Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Conflagrate
/castsequence reset=0.3 Fire and Brimstone
/cast Dark Soul: Instability
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Edit: Just tested this on 4 dummies and it works really well, got off a F&B every second cast so am really happy with it. No need for CoE really unless they all have high health so use alt for aoe CoE.

Edit edit : Changed the reset to 5 instead of target, reason is you don’t want to waste any F&B (embers) also added DS:I, this can be removed if you want.

and weave in Rain of Fire manually. I know when doing trash like Heart of Fear raid I am always capped on embers but because I don’t use them am only doing mediocre dps. R&B>Immo>RoF is just not enough so I have realized. And with those low health bugs in there any CB normally gets wasted. I am pretty sure my aoe dps will go from 70k to 120k utilizing embers in this way. But be ready for some serious bug agro lol. Soulshatter for the win.

The above AOE macro I made tested well on Wind Lord Mel’jarak in Heart of Fear today. DPS was 140k on that first boss which is up from 70-80k so almost doubled my DPS. On any group of around 10 or more I found there is no need to even do RoF, I had a hard time using the embers they were coming in that fast. Use RoF as an opener to get the ball rolling then just macro spam. It’s pretty awesome watching all those Incinerates fan out.

I just need it for one button and no mod, I have already took Dark Soul out, but what do I need to all change just do everything but COL and no mod?

/castsequence [mod]Fire and Brimstone,Curse of the Elements;reset=5 Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Conflagrate

/castsequence reset=0.3 Fire and Brimstone

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Hi Nytemare.

If you don’t want the mod portion then I believe your after this :-

/castsequence reset=target Curse of the Elements,Null
/castsequence reset=5 Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Conflagrate
/castsequence reset=0.3 Fire and Brimstone
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]




[quote quote=6231]Hi Nytemare. If you don’t want the mod portion then I believe your after this :- /castsequence reset=target Curse of the Elements,Null
/castsequence reset=5 Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate, Incinerate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Conflagrate
/castsequence reset=0.3 Fire and Brimstone
/targetenemy [noharm][dead] Rgds [/quote]

Don’t need the COL part either, and that seems like it will not do F&B before each

The CoE mod I put there because with high health mobs CoE does an extra 5% damage on all targets if the mod is held for 2 button hits. If you don’t want the mod nor CoE then take it all out.

The way all macros work is spell queues within the server related to server and player lag so F&B will not activate before each cast, normally it will activate every second cast. To get F&B to activate before every cast you would have to /castsequence the whole lot including Conflagrate. To save space here is an example with all spells shortened.

/castsequence reset=5 F&B,Immo,F&B,Conflag,F&B,Incin,F&B,Incin.F&B,Incin,F&B,


There are 2 major problems doing it this way, if Conflag is on CD then it will lock up until it comes off CD and also if you run out of embers it will lock up until you get an ember. Not advised. The way I have it is if you are doing let’s say 3 mobs where ember generation is slow you use Rain of Fire with the macro and can still attain decent aoe damage.