šŸ”„ [DF OLD] Aerrek's FIRE Combat System: Smart Macro w/ User Interface! Ready for M+, PvP, Leveling, and Raiding! All talents sequenced!

On the new WA it will show Shift/Ctrl in same box, does that mean i can use either or do i use both at same time?

Thatā€™s your choice between Single target and AoE damage. I donā€™t normally do that in my macros but in this case I thought it was best :+1:

Iā€™m going to hop over to this system and show it some love so keep an eye out for an update soon

EDIT: Added range warnings to bottom feed

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the macro always reload my game any idea what could be wrong ?

Hey @Redwyne,

Is it reloading your game or your UI (sends you to loading screen)?

The only thing that I could think that would do this is the /reload, /reloadui, or /rl macro but obviously I donā€™t use this in the sequence.

Are you sure itā€™s the macro or WA thatā€™s causing it? Did you install any other addons recently?

reloaing my UI, the only WA I use is yours, sure its the macro because its reload ui happens every time i fire the macro

Hmm ā€¦ I checked out the macro but didnā€™t see anything that would cause this.

Does it happen instantly when you run the macro? Or only with a modifier or specific modifier?


The issue is that your mouse click speed is too fast and is triggering a reload?
Your keybind key is causing a reload?
Your mouseover is causing a reload ?

Check out your in-game keybindings. :thinking:

it happen instantly once I run the macro no modifier, I run it with razer macro Keyboard number 1
50ms using defult keybinding. when I run any other macro it runs fine I know it sounds so strange lol
I really like ur WA and system u are using hope I can get the macro to run :frowning:

:thinking: *thinking intencifies

Is it only my macro? Or other creators as well?

Try running the macro with WA disabled.
If that fixes it, reinstall WA. Try again

Try using a different keybind. I noticed that my ā€œNum Pad 1ā€ doubles as the ā€˜ENDā€™ button. Could be something to do with that?

Some systems use WA triggers that are CPU intensive but Fire is not one of them, and Iā€™ve never heard of a reload because of it.

Only ur macro.
disabled WA used different keybind still the same once I fire the macro my UI relaod
and noticed after reload I see my toon has slow fall spell buff.

By design, the macro casts Slow Fall on the player after combat in the POST variable.

That is useful information. It tells us that at least one action block was executed before your reload.

I wish this was happening to me so that I could do this. Troubleshoot this by ā€˜half splittingā€™:

  1. Disable the these blocks:
  2. Hit Save at the bottom and see if that resolves your issue. If it did, the problem is within these blocks.
  3. If it didnā€™t, reenable the above blocks and disable the following (bottom) block:
  4. Hit Save at the bottom and see if that resolves your issue. If it did, the problem is within this block.

Iā€™m thinking that maybe and I mean maybe the mount variable has something to do with it?

Really reaching here: Do you have any mounts that are ā€˜favoritedā€™? If not, favorite one of each type (ground, flying, dragon riding). There is a line that calls upon your Favorite Mount Button.

Iā€™m looking the macro up and down but canā€™t seem to put my finger on anything that would make this happen.

your week aura goes to shaman WA and you week arua profile comes back not found


Thanks for letting me know. A while back I redid all of my posts. I oopsed some of the links.

Fixed. :+1:

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Hello, i have a problem with the macro
I cant use him because dont show the rotation and only use instant skills
im doing something wrong? that happens only with you macro

@Furinculo are you using the weakaura? Is your mouse / keybindings setup properly?

Will you please send me your talent import string? I have not seen an issue like this yet :+1:

Yes, Iā€™m using the same keybinds as you and Iā€™m using GHUB to automate the clicks.
I tested with several talents and they all do the same thing, the macro doesnā€™t run, the icons donā€™t even change

Here the talent

I hopped over and itā€™s running for me with both my talents and yours :thinking:

GHUB should work, Iā€™m not familiar with the setup as I use razer.

Try casting any spell in the designated action bar slots using the nomod SHIFT, CTRL, ALT keys to see if the buttons are being pressed at all.

Also noteworthy, when working properly, the macro wont begin to cycle until you break combat with the SHIFT key. The WeakAura should prompt this.

Let me know what you find :+1:

Same issue, dont work
I tried another talent and its the same thing, the macro is not running and not even the icon changes
idk if i need to change something in the macro via GSE, have some tip?

I tried this old macro of this post and is working, only the new dont work



^ This is looks good.

I updated the macro and WA on this post to the one Iā€™m currently using. Iā€™m typically good about updating after I make changes but maybe I did not in this case.

Have you had success using any of my other systems?

Yes, i tried the macro from shaman and work perfect, just this macro dont work


Are you using ā€˜Character Specific Keybindingsā€™ by chance?

Iā€™m trying to think, thereā€™s nothing in the macro would cause it to not work at all. if it does not cycle even if you run and and melee to initiate combat, itā€™s not the macro :eyes: