DH usually rotate

Hello friends. I’m just here recently. I decided to share with you how to create the perfect macro for a demon hunter. So far I am researching all the existing macros in this forum. But they all have some kind of shortcomings or difficulties. I’m going to make a macro for keys and for raids of epoch-making complexity. I hope you will help me with this and I will read all the tips, as well as recommendations with great enthusiasm.

The first thing I would like to do is to minimize the uttering of the demon bite, can someone tell you how to do this most effectively? So far, I’ve just tried to spam the macro with other keys, but it doesn’t work out very well.

Talents 2311211

This macro contains 1 macro version. Эта последовательность была экспортирована из GSE 2.5.11.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Обжигающий жар

KeyPress: Метаморфоза, Пронзающий взгляд

Main Sequence: Танец клинков, Обжигающий жар, Укус демона, Удар Хаоса

Так-же я хотел попробовать сделать второй макрос для связи укуса демона через таймер, но как я не пробовал, всё равно не прожимается.