I’ve been working on my lock and I think we got a good macro here. Give it a shot and tell me what you think. TIA
This is the best Affliction macro in these forums. My DPS went up 20% over others I’ve tested here. Good job!
Thank you! I’m really glad to hear it helped your dps. Thanks for the feedback
very nice m8 I hit close to 40k while using this an will continue to do so since destro is boring and gotta get ready for SL
Thank you glad to hear this macro is working well for you also.
what ms do you run this profile at?
unfortunitely I can’t answer that due to me using a program that allows me to use a joystick to play. It doesn’t really go by ms it uses button clicks. I would say try 70ms and either go up or down from there
hey dude what software and do you mean like a xbox controller
I use a Logitech extreme 3D pro joystick and the software called joytokey. The onlly thing I have trouble with is the 6 buttons on the base. I don’t use 4 of them because I have to let go of the joystick to use them. I do use 2 of them and they are are more for my loss of control trinket or whatever else I need to use when i dont need to move. other wise I have all my other buttons programmed for spells and such. I even have the PoV stick programmed for 4 of my spells. My Lazy macro is set to the trigger button. Here is a link to show you what the joystick looks like https://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=713258&SRCCODE=3WGOOGLEBASE&cm_mmc_o=mH4CjC7BBTkwCjCV1-CjCE&SRCCODE=3WWEBHAN031&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqrb7BRDlARIsACwGad59vo8UMDa7JtZOt0e_2ryHwE3OfdkD-FLoePth6W9bvVrSBSuKhRsaArqAEALw_wcB
Just out of curiosity, a joystick? are u playing with? woah
But why?
I have no use of my left arm and hand. So in order for me to play i need to use the joystick.
Very sorry to hear that.
But you got my attention i need to test aswell ( tried with gamepad once, and didnt like it )
I tried the gamepad as well and it just didn’t work the way I liked it too. So I bought the extreme 3D pro and been using since WoD. It nice cuz I have my trigger button for the gse macro and all the other buttons for my other macros and spells. I also use a stealth switch foot pad for the tab targeting.
Curious, why no heart spell?
Are you talking about the heart essence? It’s in the macro
HofAzeroth spell, should be in separate key always to try not hang up the macro ( could occur on some caster classes )
But shadowlands is just around the corner so… no probs!