Dionysus37's San'Layn Blood DK 11.0.7 592ilvl 750k dps aoe 550k hps

I am working on leveling my DK, and have been developing this sequence as I went along. I just hit 80 and I’m wearing full equip from siren isles. Currently 592 ilvl. I’ll update this post with any changes that I make.

This probably needs some fine tuning, so give me your opinions and I’ll take them into account as I work on this.

Modifiers: (I will probably change these as I streamline the sequence)

CTRL: BREZ while Mousing Over a friendly DEAD Target
ALT: Death Strike (This is for extra healing above the normal rotational Death Strikes)

San'Layn Talents
Sequence String

I will keep the original post updated as I make changes to this.

Good work on the macro, do you know how to fix the problem that occurs with Heart Strike? Sometimes the sequence get stuck there because it change spell name to Vampiric Strike…

It works fine for me. The original sequence I wrote even included vampiric strike as a seperate spell but I noticed that it was just converted to Heart strike automatically when i viewed it as a compiled sequence.

I have noticed this issue with one spell turning into another on use or on a proc, but it always seems to be a wow issue and not a sequence issue.

As long as you end combat without heart strike being swapped to vampiric strike, there’s no issues. The shitty part is, that it’s not that easy to control that.
Haven’t seen any other way to solve the issue, and I wouldn’t call what I said a solution either lol.

I just tanked a full heroic palace run using this, and never had an issue with vampiric or heart strike.

Nice, do you have any logs to see how it performed? :smiley:

I started the raid with an ilvl of 606 or 607, so you can guess my dps was not very good at all, but that didnt matter since i was tanking.
Here’s the character’s log page, i’ve only done 1 heroic on him I think.

Here’s the log of the first 7:

and the queen kill the next day:

I don’t play DK but would using the known and noknown conditions not be a solution?

They look to have separate spell ID’s

spell=206930 Heart Strike
spell=433901 Vampiric Strike

Hey hey can you tell Us how may MS you run.

For me it says “Item is not ready yet” as soon as i enter combat? Idk how to fix this - idk what item it even means

it’s trying to use your trinkets. if the trinket is on cd then it will show you the error message, but it should still work regardless.

If you want to remove that, find the block that contains the /use 13 and /use 14 parts and just delete it. That way you can use your trinkets manually. I also use Blood fury for orc in the same spot.

And I run all my sequences at 100ms.