Disc Priest

This is my main atk button in our out of parties and it works like a champ.

/castsequence Smite
/cast Holy Fire
/cast Fade
/cast Mindbender
/cast !Power Infusion
/use 13
/use 14

I use this for my atonement healing and keep Penance next to for placing Grace; you can safely cast Penance before you spam the macro to place Grace and then spam:

/castsequence [@focustarget, nochanneling:Penance] reset=9 Holy fire,Smite,Smite,Power Word: Solace,Penance
/cast [@focus] Cascade

nice. I’ll check these out on my priest since my bars are all filled up with heal spells, buffs, etc.

Here are the 3 macro’s i use now and they work

main atk


/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Mindbender

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Archangel

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Mindbender

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Holy Fire

/castsequence Smite

/cast [combat] Power Infusion

/use 13

/use 14




Aoe Healz


/castsequence Prayer of Healing

/cast Prayer of Mending

/cast Inner Focus


and oh crap

/cast [@player]Power Word: Shield

/cast Fade

/cast Desperate Prayer