Okay, I just got this working, and it may not be perfect. And there will be some clipping of dots, especially if you have a trinket (or enchant) with a haste proc/activation. But it does work. I’ve been testing it out for a couple of hours without too much trouble.
Sequences['OneButton'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 0
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast [nomod] Mind Blast',
'/cast [nomod] Mind Spike',
'/castsequence [nomod:shift,mod:ctrl] reset=5 Mind Spike, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Mind Blast',
'/cast [mod:shift,mod:ctrl] Mind Flay',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1
(I used these mod buttons because I have shift bound to a thumb mouse button.)
Here’s how it works. You start by spamming the button without any modifier. Then, after building up to 4 shadow orbs, you hold down the ctrl key. That starts the dot weaving sequence. Then, after DP is cast, you hold down the shift key (while still holding ctrl). You continue to spam Mind Flay / Insanity until there’s less than 1 second left on the insanity buff, then let go of shift. When DP is cast a second time, you again hold down shift and spam MF/Insanity. Then when insanity expires you let go of both ctrl and shift and start back at the top. This is also a good time to cast Shadowfiend or Halo, since that can sometimes get you through your last dot ticks. I didn’t put halo or shadowfiend in the macro because it slows it down too much, and the macro starts to lag a bit instead of smoothly casting. YMMV.
So to recap (assuming turbo button):
- Hold button until 4 orbs.
- Hold ctrl + button until DP is cast.
- Hold ctrl + shift + button until Insanity is about to fall off.
- Let go of shift, still holding ctrl + button until DP is cast a second time.
- Hold ctrl + shift + button until Insanity is about to fall off.
- Let go of shift, still holding ctrl + button. Let the last Mind Blast fire off.
- Go back to step 1.
Manually cast Halo and Shadowfiend either somewhere in step 1 or after step 6.
This will give you (MB, MS x 3) x 3, MB, MS, SWP, VT, MB, DP, MFI -> , MB, DP, MFI ->, repeat.