Dots09 Frost Death Knight 11.0.5 The War Within

at 618 ilvl on aoe dummies i can get about 1.65M burst at the beginning. i switched to manually pressing everything and i got to 1.95M on dummies and 2.5M on a +7 key. so i think there is a limit to the macro. This is the input i got from the DK discord using this macro.

Line up Pillar of Frost and Reaper’s Mark. Macro them together and use it when you’re not on GCD. It’s a big deal.
Use Remorseless Winter going into your Pillar/Reaper’s Mark. You should not need to cast it inside Pillar at all.
You need to use Death and Decay. It’s a cleave fight. Use it directly before EVERY cast of Reaper’s Mark/Pillar of Frost. Then use the second charge during your Enduring Strength.
Use your Transmitter a few seconds before Pillar, then complete the puzzle before you Pillar/RM, ideally right before. If you don’t want to do this, it’s probably not worth running Transmitter and you should farm Skarmorak/Khardros instead. Again, do not cast inside Pillar. You’re better off waiting for the next one.
Use Abomination Limb before combat, and before Pillar windows. Do not cast it inside Pillar.
[6:33 PM]
I think you also need to improve your understanding of what Obliteration actually does for you, the tl;dr being that it gives your non-Obliterates a high chance of giving you Killing Machines that you spend on Obliterates for massive damage. With that in mind, look at this…
You cast Pillar of Frost, but then didn’t use Obliterate for over 10 seconds. You may as well have not used Pillar at all. There are a few reasons this happened:
Didn’t pull Runes hard enough before Pillar came out.
Used Reaper’s Mark way too late, so you didn’t get the benefit of Exterminate reducing your Obliterate costs.
Didn’t Remorseless Winter before Pillar, so you had to waste a Rune on it that you could’ve used on Obliterate otherwise.

I am slowly becoming more accustomed to the Frost DK Deathbringer build, though I have not found something to input that makes it noticeably better and consistent with the current sequences. Sometimes, I get a good RNG, and the sequence can do 2 Mil+, but that is like 1 out of 5 attempts. So, I’m not sure it will be much improved than what I currently have.

Would you suggest a macro based on the top meta spec?

A breath build is not easy, meaning it is easy, lazy, and accessible. Because a breath build needs a specific rotation to keep breath up, ideally, it would need its own sequence, or within your sequence, you would have to hold a modifier during breath to keep it up. However, due to GSE, it doesn’t seem viable.

That’s why I don’t use a breath build, I won’t make any promises yet about a breath build as I have been crunched for time with RL stuff, so I have not been able to do any good testing, so for now the sequences here are what I am using, but yes this isn’t the best build and you won’t see your dps match those who manually run the rotation (assuming they know the rotation and have decent gear)

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Oh gotcha, thank you for educating me on that! :slight_smile: