DPS Burst Macro

Been trying to use the following DPS Burst Macro (for when someone pops a BL during a raid) but I think there may be some conflicting spells on the same Global CD, as its not popping everything at once.

Anyone can review and let me know where they see a fault?

/use 13
/use 14
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Dire Beast
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Berserking
/cast Lifeblood
/cast Stampede
/use Virmen’s Bite

Hello Kurashima, I suggest removing Berserking from the macro and to pop that cooldown by itself after Bloodlust is over. I believe the gain is less while they are stacked instead of spreading for more time. Also move the trinkets 13 and 14 to the end of the macro. After that make sure the shortest cooldown is on top and work your way down to a higher timer.

If that still do not fix it might have to use a castsequence or priority method.

Also too many /casts. You can’t have that much.

What I would do, is remove Lifeblood from it. It’s very helpful, but rely more on your healers to heal you. The haste doesn’t give you enough of a boost to matter. If you’re using RPPM trinkets, then you should be over 20% haste anyways and if you are than your over the haste cap for this tier. So there would be no point to put in Lifeblood.

I don’t play a Troll so Berserking with Hero would be overkill in terms of Haste. Unlike a Pally who doesn’t have a haste breakpoint as it lowers their CD, for Hunters this doesn’t matter so once you reach the breaking point, it’s best to go Mastery if your BM, and Crit for MM / Surv.

What I would do is the following:

/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Stampede
/cast A Murder of Crows

Also pet spells that are autocast type (Bite, Claw etc) can no longer be put into a macro. This was a major change in patch 5.0 as Blizzard does not want you to use pet spells in a macro. The only pet spell that can be done like that is the Direhorns one.

[quote quote=6913]/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Dire Beast
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Berserking
/cast Lifeblood
/cast Stampede
/use Virmen’s Bite[/quote]

Thanks for the feedback guys

Which of the spells in question is classed as a Pet Spell with Autocast? Dire Beast is the only one I think you are referring to, and that doesnt affect the pet.

Give than Readiness will reactivate Murder of Crows , Rapid Fire and Dire Beast, but NOT Stampede, would it make more sense to use Dire Beast in the Macro? I have read in other threads that its almost a DPS loss in it cast times, but the focus gains surely make up for that?

Ok , from trying this out, A Murder of Crows seems un-macroable. I cant get it to go after Rapid Fire, or Berserking , or Lifeblood.

Maybe try to change the order in which the spells are. Or just invent something like the following and see if it works.

/castsequence reset=5 Berserking,null
/castsequence A Murder of Crows
/cast Rapid Fire

I do not know if it would work but I like to play with lines and make up stuff and sometimes it works lol.