Dragonflight Fury Two Hand Rampage and Raging Blow macros

Hi all, I made these macros just out of fun on my warrior so I can fill DPS slots if need be. The macro is for my Two Hander Raging Blow build. You can change a few talents to maybe grab things that you like but over all its heavily prioritized on Raging blow and Rampage. I get about 25k DPS ST at 375 ilvl and 60k AoE DPS. That is totally unbuffed (not even Battle Shout) and only on ability procs.

Let me know what you guys think and if you have any improvements or questions.

Fury ST


Fury AoE


Talents are listed in the macro but here they are again


Hello, how can i exclude charge from the macro and what should i remove to take odyn’s fury?

Hi, to remove charge from the macro you would need to remove the line at the very bottom of the macro block in the keypress section that says:

/castsequence [nocombat] reset=target Heroic Throw, Charge, null

and also the line in the keyrelease section that says:

/cast Charge

As for the talents you could sacrifice to take Odyn’s fury, that is normally up to you but I would maybe say the one or two points in critical thinking in the bottom right just above ravager and onslaught. that would give you a point for Odyn’s fury and a talent for something else. You could than maybe grab dancing blades (increased auto attack damage and speed for 10 sec) to go with Odyn’s Fury if you like. Another talent point that seems kinda if could be Ashen Juggernaut, you could maybe use that point on Depths of insanity (4 more seconds of recklenssness) if you like.


Thank you for your answer and your detailed suggestion!
Macro fires good but, i do not know what i do wrong, can’t get past 25k st and 55k aoe at 393 ilvl.

Well I did my testing on the test dummies in Valdrakken. I did a quick LFR today and the numbers werent really the same. so i guess the test dummies are significantly weaker. Where were you testing?

Both world quest and some low level m+ (5/6)… i do not know very well fury spec but i think there are some key abilities that aren’t included, for example bloodbath/bloodthirst, but spear of bastion too.
Ofc rotation should mantain avatar up as often as possible, and maybe could be included in the macro since its cooldown is very short.
I 'd like to add to the macro but i am not able to :slight_smile:

You are able to edit the macro, i guess you mean you dont know how. I dont have bloodbath/ bloodthirst in the macro because it is a Raging blow build and I dont need it to build rage at all. That being said, it would just be a wasted GCD that could be used on execute, raging blow, or rampage. As for Avatar, i dont have that in the rotation being as i use it separately with spear when I need a dps burst. Recklessness has its cooldown reduces as you use rage so it is in the rotation being as it is able to be used pretty often. Recklessness also casts a reduced version of avatar if you have that talent selected.

If you want to have avatar and spear in the macros, put

/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] Avatar, Spear of Bastion

in the key press section and than you just hold alt for it to fire for a nice burst. If you want to have it to fire automatic, you just need to make a new action where recklessness is and add

/castsequence [@player] Avatar, Spear of Bastion

If you have it fire automatically, you just need to watch out that you are at the target and ready to use it because it will just fire when you press the macro attack button. I personally would just leave it on the modifier key so you can time when you use it.

edit: i just noticed that i think that the macro talents are without the recklessness cooldown talent and with the improved raging blow. That being said, you could than add

/castsequence [@player] Recklessness, Avatar, Spear of Bastion
/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] Recklessness, Avatar, Spear of Bastion

and disable the one line that is like

/cast raging blow, recklessness

because its shouldnt really be used unless you have the quickened version.

thanks for your all advices mate! i will test and let u know!