Druid Balance Macro Shadowlands 9.0.1 - NATURE MAGIC EVERYWHERE

Is it possible to make a Macro Requier certain buffs to be Enabled like

Example: “If solar eclipse -> then cast Wrath”
Example2: “If Lunar eclipse -> Then cast Starfire”

I’m aware that you can make Certain “If this, then that” but I’m wondering is this possible?
or are we treading into the Realm of Automation?

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hello @AsmodeusCruentus

not possible at all

@TimothyLuke explained a few times with the warrior Example or was the procs of mage( if im. not mistaken )

u can make the call for it, but wont return the result


and it’s not possible with a /run “macro” if buff= … or something like that?

maybe a stupid question, or maybe abit touch into “automode”…

@pitbullberg sadly no. If it could detect and adjust, it would be considered a bot. GSE is not considered a bot because it does not make decision on what to cast and when, it just cast the macro as created.


I am lost… Why does this only cast Sunfire over and over

I created a Sunfire / Moonfire macro for those who doesn’t really want to press them separately. But rather trying to Min-Max DPS output.

As well I removed Barkskin, Celestial Alignment and auto apply of Sunfire/Moonfire.
Barkskin needs to be handled separately in dangerous Scenarios.

It is possible that you will cast S/M too often when auto-applying it.

As Celestial Alignment is our burst you will need to manage it manually. You may not need it in the current part of the fight but in the next part of a fight. Hence manual-management is important.

I can definitely say if you don’t want to Min-Max your DPS use the one given by Illoskka. It is great! Thank you very much for this Macro!




Talents: 1132111

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.31.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Moonfire, Sunfire



Talents: 1233211

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.31.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Moonkin Form

Main Sequence: Moonfire, Wrath, Sunfire, Starfire, Starsurge

KeyRelease: Starsurge



Talents: 1233211

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.31.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Moonkin Form

Main Sequence: Moonfire, Wrath, Sunfire, Starfire, Starfall

KeyRelease: Starfall


Hey hey,
thank you for youre super nice macro !

BUT, what do i wrong… i import your macro and as soon as i join a mythic+ is doesnt work… but if i import it, inside the mythic dungeon again… it works.

What am i missing, and what can i change to not import it everytime i join a dungeon.

Thanks for reply.
Stay positive.

Hey guys. Why is no one trying to do two Macros for each eclipse? Compare it with a weakaura that tell u to swap the macro?

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Some people prefer truly lazy macros. But if you want, try to make it. See how it works and post it for others to try out and alter to their liking :grinning:

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The thing is truly lazy one button is not going to work with a boomkin if you want to do damage. You have to have a minimum 2 macros. One that spams Wrath with Starsuge and one that spams Starfire with Starsurge. You need to cast 2 Wraths to get into Lunar eclipse once in Lunar Eclipse you have to spam Starfire in Solar Eclipse you spam Wrath and Starsurge when you get the proc.

If you’re going to use this in PVP i would not have Starsurge in the macro as yyou want to bank your mana to cast 3 Star surges. That burst is kind of crazy

You can always add modifiers to achieve this.

Why would you write a macro with modifiers? You put the Wrath power on button 1 and Starfire on Button 2. You put Starsurge on Button 3. Starfall on button 4. Then you make a burst Macro (Trinket, Incarnation, Convoke). Cast Starsuge on single target, Starfall on Multi target.

You Wrath to enter lunar eclipse and spam Starfire. Or cast 2 starfires to enter Solar Eclipse and Spam Wrath. When you want to burst you pop your burst macro and watch things melt.

Unfortunately the way Boomkins are, you have to manually cast. You cannot automate it as the macro wont know what eclipse you are in to cast the right spell.

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I understand people want an easy one button macro, and you can automate this with one button but try to keep your expectations at a minimum as your DPS will be sorely lacking.

Another example of this is the Fire mage macros. I see people saying the fire mage macros are not working well. The problem is you cant blindly use fireblast and phoenix flames. Fireblast and phoenix flames should be used strategically. Like when you’re “Heating Up” to proc “Hot Streak” for that insta Pyroblast or Flamestrike.

A fireblast when youre not “Heating up” is a waste of a charge.

I dunno…I use a 1 button on my Balance druid @197 ilvl and I’m parsing @ 95%

No54A2, which one do you use? This one?

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You have to be running that at a high MS to have it cycle through everything quick. What one are you actually using so I can compare with the 4-5 ive been testing, if you dont mind me asking.

Please do share. This community would really appreciate this.

I run mine @100ms…anything else cycles too fast and skips

Currently I’m using a modified version of Vinidoires macro and this one…they are both pretty close.

I think you could actually consolidate all of this down to either a single and multi target macro (probably best option) or lunar, solar eclipse macro. With the Lunar, solar macros you would just stop casting one when you get the other proc or what not then cast the other. what being said you could also just consolidate that into the single multi macros and then just hold shift for the opposite one because its not long between cycles is it (i dont play boomie, idk) then release shift for instance and go the other direction. you could then have your burst macro on ctrl and maybe convoke spirits on one or that could be in your burst. its a really good idea and i could probably make something like that if i knew how to play boomie.