Editing a macro talent choices

Hi all. So I recently started using GSE. I was wondering if i can adjust the talent choices on a imported macro and will it work afterwards. For example, the talent choices for the imported BM PVE macro are 3113112, but i want them to be 3113113. Has anyone tried this before? Cheers.

Ok, the long and short of it is… Yes, the imported macro will still work, but not as well as it could be. Let me explain, to quote from Icy Veins:

Tier 7 talents offer you a choice of various means of enhancing your DPS performance.

… Killer Cobra is the best choice for pure single target applications. Aspect of the Beast is not worth it in any situation.

[quote quote=45859]Hi all. So I recently started using GSE. I was wondering if i can adjust the talent choices on a imported macro and will it work afterwards. For example, the talent choices for the imported BM PVE macro are 3113112, but i want them to be 3113113. Has anyone tried this before? Cheers.

If you are you asking if you change the text that describes the talent choice in the macro “will it have any effect on the macro” the answer is no. That line is there as a help tool to let users know what talents the author made the routine for.

Some authors include options for other talent choices in their macro (I usually do), the downside though is that they usually run slower than they would if it were optimized for one specific set of talents as the macro must now run through extra lines of code (not a big difference, but still a difference) and then there is the fact that it is hard to optimize macros to function under all possible talents (some classes easier than others).

Often times you can do a simple edit of the macro in question to include the talent choice that you would like, and can be as easy as changing the line that says "/cast “The Talent the author used” to "/cast “The talent that you would like to use”, but can also be very complex if the talent that you would rather use alters the way that the class is suppose to prioritize its rotation.

Easiest thing to do is post in the original Macros thread asking if the author can either include the talent selection that you want or barring that post the macro that you are trying to use and what you would like it to do either here or in Discord channel and ask for help.