Elemental Shaman Patch 6.2.3 (19/03/'16)

Welcome Guys,

I am Ðarkramz (Ilvl 732, Hunter), a raider in a social guild called Vanillas-Silvermoon (A Dutch Speaking guild).

Some of you guys were asking me for Elemental Shaman sequences. It took some time, but finally they are ready and with good functioning Weakauras!

Talents : ? ? 1/3 1 2 1 1
Major Glyphs :
Chain Lightning, (Only on 4+ targets)
Spiritwalker’s Grace (prolonged movement periods) or Spiritwalker’s Focus (frequent movement periods),
3th one is up to you!
Minor Glyphs : It’s up to you!

I used the Elemental Shaman guide on Icy-veins and information from Noxxic to create these sequences.

If you want to keep an eye on buffs, cooldowns and more… Weakaura2 is the perfect Add-on to do that! I would suggest you to try and create Weakauras according to your taste.

When you use these sequencers, please give me feedback. Together we can create better sequences and help the community.

How to play?
Lightning Shield must allways be up!
If Flame Shock is about the expire (less then 9seconds) refresh it! On AoE keep it up on 2 targets max!
Use Earth Shock on 17+ Stacks of Lightning Shield cause of the Fulmination damage!
Keep Searing Totem allways up!
My weakauras help you to keep track on it

Sequence use
If the pull timer is counting down, use Pre-potion (Draenic Intellect Potion) when you feel comfortable with the current people in the group. Open with EleBurst after all Damage increasing cooldowns and procs are up use your Fire Elemental Totem. If Ascendance expires continue with the EleSingle and when Ascendance is up use EleBurst. Keep repeating that.

In order to burst with 3+ targets, use EleBurst first untill all damage increasing cooldowns and procs are up. After that follow it up with the EleAoE.

The rest of it speaks for it’s own.

Single Target Burst 1 target

Sequences["EleBurst"] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
	limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence reset=target/27 Unleash Flame, Flame Shock,null',
'/castsequence reset=15 Unleash Flame, Lavaburst',
'/castsequence reset=4 Lava Burst,Lava Burst',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/cast [combat] Elemental Mastery
/cast [combat] Ancestral Guidance
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Single Target 1 target

Sequences["EleSingle"] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
	limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence reset=target/27 Unleash Flame, Flame Shock,null',
'/castsequence reset=15 Unleash Flame, Lavaburst',
'/castsequence reset=4 Lava Burst,Lava Burst',
'/cast [nochanneling] Lightning Bolt',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Multi-Target 3+ targets

Sequences["EleAoE"] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
	limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast [nochanneling] Chain Lightning',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Hellfire Citadel (de)buffs
Shocks Elemental
Fire Totems
Elemental Totems
Ascendance’s Grace

Example of how it looks

This is how it looks like, but once it functions in-game it looks way better!

In-game macros
Searing Totem
Prevents Searing totem to be cast when a Fire Elemental is up, but you can force Searing Totem with Ctrl while using it

#showtooltip Searing Totem
/targetenemy [noexists][noharm]
/cleartarget [noharm]
/tar Fire Elemental Totem
/cast [harm][noexists][mod:ctrl]Searing Totem
/targetlasttarget [help]

Ancestral Spirit
Cause I like a good sentence to announce the player I’m ressing!

#showtooltip Ancestral Spirit
/y I recall upon the Ancestral Spirits to guide %t back to "The world of the Living"!

Optimizing gear and Enchants.

For optimizing enchants and stats I use the Program: Simulationcraft
Simulationcraft shows you your optimal DPS and shows you the stats weights.
For optimizing my gear I use: Ask Mister Robot (The Add-on and the website)
The site has an option called : Best in Bag and Edit weights.
You must create an account and use the Add-on for the Best in Bag option.
And I use the stat weights from Simulationcraft to get the best results out of it.
You can insert your Stat Weights in the Add-on Pawn to see which items are upgrades for you and how much % you go up on that item.

For Questions add me on Battlenet: Darkramz#2160
You can find me on Discord: Your invitation

Cheers and Good luck,


DarkRamz - another great macro! I tested it on my 92 Shammy and it worked flawlessly. The weakauras are nice too; they add just the right touch to managing the totems. :slight_smile: Keep up the great work!

Hi guys, Sorry to be such a noob but I try to copy paste the macro and all I manage to do is have my shaman say the macro in chat :frowning:

Am I missing something


Hi, Steve,

First off you need a addon called Gnome Sequencer. I would check out this thread below, it should solve your problem.

Gnome Sequencer

Am i doing anything wrong?

This macro doesnt reset for me after those 27 seconds for example for flameshock when i spam this button.

It only resets when i DON’T press this button for 27 seconds.

hey there, great macros. however im a bit of a total noob with weakauras :stuck_out_tongue:

please can you tell me how to add the weakauras you gave into game