Elfyau's 8.3 Beast Master Macro **Updated 28-Aug-20**

@Darkhunterr to do AOE hold the Shift button down :slight_smile:
@yolo20 the ā€˜nullā€™ is not an error it is there on purpose to stop the macro from repeatedly calling the pet. if I were to put the AOE into the keypress none of the other abilities would fire much if at all it would pretty much spam just multi-shot.
To quote icy-veins:
Most importantly, regardless of how hard you are trying to keep up Beast Cleave, you should be careful not to cast too many Multi-Shots. You need one every 4 seconds and no more than that. Spamming Multi-Shot is never worth it. If you have extra Focus to spend, you are better off casting Cobra Shot.

The exception to this rule is if you are using the powerful Rapid Reload. This Trait causes Multi-Shot to reduce the cooldown Aspect of the Wild by 1 second for each target hit. This means that you should always prioritize Multi-Shot over Cobra Shot on 3+ targets when using this Trait.

Taking all of this into consideration when making the macro

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Can anyone help?
Holding shift with spamming macro does not fire any skill.(aoe)
Button stuck and show " Bestial Wrath" on CD

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it does fire aoe and there is nothing wrong with the macro

@BIGBADCOKE have you unbound your shift button from the in-game keybinds? Are you using AHK or other software?

I use shift with mutiple pet skill. Ill try unboud shift and check. Thx
I unbound anythign with shift but no go and changed ctrl as modifier and it works.
I use other macro with shift mod with no issueā€¦this is strange

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Iā€™ve been trying to get the Shift modifier to work for an hour. Canā€™t figure it out. I see that itā€™s in the macro, but itā€™s not doing anything for me. Iā€™ve removed the key-binding from everything I can find.

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have you tried to reset KB to default as well as removing any type of keybind option in your UI?


Kind of afraid to reset key-binding to all default. I use a lot of weird things. :open_mouth:

Just go into keybinds and make sure SHIFT is not bound to anything (usually special actionbars I think)

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Just triple checked. I removed it from any key bindings. Even combo ones like Shift + P or whatever.

still not working? if not try changing the modifier to ctrl and see if it works (alt is binding trap)

I just tried that, funny enough. Still nothing. I canā€™t figure out why!

I removed the Heart Essence since I use Vision of Perfection.

Iā€™d like to figure this out since you have others for my DK and DH.

I just re-exported the macro to the original post. Maybe try re-importing the macro, and try highlighting the macro and pressing delete icon - highlight it again and click create icon.
The /cast [nochanneling] Heart Essence will cast any of the essences without the need to change the name :slight_smile:

No dice.

Iā€™m thinking it might have to do with AHK? I really donā€™t know, Iā€™m brand new to this.

I can live with manually spamming Mutli to get one in during its cycle. But really confused by this.

It could do as AHK will not work with modifiers unless the script is set too, check this post/script out and see how you go: What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)

With your script there, is E the button spammed? (Thus Shift + E executes the macro in AoE mode?)

Or is E the toggle on/off for the spammed button?

(Nevermind. Think I understand. E is the toggle, 3 is the button.)

But quick query: Iā€™ll replace E with numpad 5, and 3 with 2? (For my current setup.)

it is not a toggle its a run while press script. replace 3 with the key you want (E is not used at all it is in there as an example)

it is not a toggle its a run while press script. replace 3 with the key you want (E is not used at all it is in there as an example) so if you want to use it for numbers 5 and 2 you will need to make and run 2 of them