Elfyau's 8.3 Beast Master Macro **Updated 28-Aug-20**

I started with this as a toggle on/off to spam the macro. I only need it on one button, so I switched it from 1 to 2, and the toggle is numpad5.

This must be the reason I can’t hold Shift to get the AoE mode on the macro. How can I add shift viability to said toggle?

try this one: (replace 3 with what you need)

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
$3:: ; If 3 is pressed
$^3:: ; If 3+control is pressed
$+3:: ; If 3+shift is pressed
$!3:: ; If 3+alt is pressed
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”)
Send ^3
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”)
Send +3
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”)
Send !3
Send 3
sleep 70

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Shift modifier for aoe not working, spent few days for all various setting but no go
I use logitec mouse and their application for spamming.
shift mod work on all other macro with no issue, just this (other macro does not have /castsequence btw)
if i change shift to alt or ctrl it works fine.

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I’ve had similar problems in past. Kinda pain because I have many many macros. But this is what I did that fixed the problem.

  1. If you have your own or have modified some macros. I use word and just copy and paste everything in macro and save it as backup. Obviously if you just use ones on this forum that’s a step you don’t need to do because they are available here.

  2. Delete current gse from wow - interface - addons. Make sure you delete it all.

  3. Reinstall gse complete. Import macros you want.

This may or may not work for you. Just given what your saying though I had same problem and after doing these steps it was fixed for me.

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I’m new to GSE and i love this macro running my hunter. Just one question, when im questing it will just target the closest mob so i can just keep spamming macro and it switches but in dungeons it doesn’t do that. once mob dies i have to tab target to get next mob and its much slower this way. Is there a way to auto-target in dungeons the way it does running quests? Thanks

bonjours pk on c est pas coller ta macros dans gse j y arrive pas et je prend que tes maccro pour tous mes perso ^^

From folks experience how close do these typically come to sims? If i sim my hunter on a target dummy then I sim about 75k but with the macro i get about 60k single target on a target dummy


Look at your crit percentage. You might need to add barbed shots kill commands. Sometimes these macros work perfect for peeps right off the bat. Then you get better gear and things get upgraded. Then you have to to look and see if cds are getting pressed at right time etc.

Get yourself a bm hunter weak aura. Run the macro and see if the barbed and other spells is firing off enough. If not then add some in to the core of the macro.

Everytime I get a gear upgrade or add crit or corruption you need to to do this.

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Thanks for the reply, my unbuffed crit % is 45

I do have a weakaura and the biggest thing i see visually and in my logs is not casting enough kill commands.

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I had many of the same issues im 58% unbuffed, there was a lot missed barbed and kill commands too. Just play with the macro, add an additional KC after a barbed etc.

Hey Clown5.0 could you send your raider.io link? i would love to see your gear…im ilvl 477 and only 43% crit unbuffed…im missing something for sure!

Here is my link: https://raider.io/characters/us/frostwolf/Simple

I avg ~70kdps overall for mythic+ 15’s…sometimes im #1 in dps…sometime 3rd…all over the board.

Corruptions are key, I think my toon was in survival spec last night but ill send you a link. But just looking at your armory it looks like severe corruption put me higher

This is my gear for reference - World of Warcraft Rankings for Mythic+ and Raid Progress

qd je copie la macro je la colle dans gse mais gse ne vx pas cree la macro

Great macro. been using it for a couple of weeks now and as a solo player it works great, In LFR im always in top 3 (not saying much I know) with a ilvl of 446 I don’t have all the essences nor the corruption affects that I want but I haven’t played since MoP and just coming back so I have to play catch up. but thanks again for your macros! I see that you’re constantly updating your macros for all classes and this alone is why your macros are my go to. I eventually want to try tanking, so hopefully I can find a tanking macro that you’ve done XD cheers and thanks again for the awesome macros as its allowed me to get back into wow with my old age!

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if you have a demon hunter, @Elfyau veng tank macro works really well. I had to do some tweaks for my playstyle but out of the box the macro is solid.


Nice Ill give it a try thx.

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I’ve been using this for months, and it’s now broken for me. When I logged in it just doesn’t work anymore. If I re-import it worked, but the shift modifier doesn’t; it just pauses the macro. After a reload, it stops working completely. I disabled all other addons and just tried using this, and it’s still not working correctly.

what lvl toon are you?

  1. It was working fine yesterday so I’m not really sure what is going on.