Elfyau's 8.3 Beast Master Macro **Updated 28-Aug-20**

go and check your in game wow key binds. If you did a ui restart sometimes it relogs the default keybinds and those are for control of pets i believe. so they need to be unbound.

I can verify this it happens to me time to time

Tried it. I even tried it without a pet and I don’t even get a “no pet” error. It just doesn’t do anything. My next option is to update elvui, I noticed there was an update today.

Didn’t work. Once I did an UI reload, it stopped working.

silly thing to try but maybe re-install GSE

That was one of the first things I tried. It’s weird because it’s only with this macro, I’m so lost as to why this keeps happening.

@Inemity I am lost, I cannot for the life of me think as to why this might be happing. The only thing I can think of now to try is for you to make a new macro and copy the contents of mine and paste them into the relevant sections of your new macro. Let me know if this works.

this macro is focus capping to much and i realise not enough cobra shots are firing off. even with that this is the best bm hunter macro. it beats all the otheres. bunny and otheres are trash compared to this one. however i wish i can get more cobra shots fired off. i am 80% of the time at 120 focus.

@Ali_Asghar working on another update at the moment

Tried and tested this macro, it does pretty well but some room for improvement I think.

Ilvl 482 3DD 3PI, Standard ST talents, VoP major ran buch of tests.

FIrst thing I found was that the opening if I do it my self has a SIGNIFICANT impact in short trials 3-5min tests. So I do my standard BW> Barb> Barb> Aspect> Barb> KC> Cobra then start the macro.

Second is when I took the binding shot and misdirect off it improved things.

I average around 133k on the training dummy unbuffed with this macro. When I do it my self its around 140 which is closer to sim. I find the problem is mainly with the Barb shots refresshing DD but not sure if that can be fixed with a macro. One other thing I think was I see sometimes I get double cobra then KC not sure why, I would prioritize KC higher for sure.

Will play around with it a bit more.

EDIT: I have the speed at 65. Also I use the PVP training dummy sorry should have clarified since Im used to doing it there and have context. The other dummy I get around 90-100kDPS

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Getting Ready to play some WOW again. Haven’t been on in a year and a half. Going to boost a hunter to lvl 120 on a server with a friend of mine. Will this Macro work ok for a new 120 hunter?

Yes minus heart essence. Till u get it id take it out of macro personally

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I am a noob to this. Is that an easy thing to do?

@kcmike certainly is :slight_smile: highlight the macro, click edit, click tab 1, look for /cast Heart Essence - delete it, click save - all done :slight_smile: hope that helps!

Thanks for the help. Trying to figure out what azerite powers to use and all that good stuff. Any good links you know of with some good info?

I usually use icy veins and ask mr robot (raidbot will work too), you could also try bloodmallet and wowhead :slight_smile:

Would you be able to help me set up my mouse to auto this macro?

What mouse are you using?

Its a Red Dragon mouse. Here is the Macro Settings. Just cant get it to work auto in game.

not too familiar with that one but best setting is to have it on “while holding down the key repeat” and the ms should be 20 ms (for both up and down), the macro should be set to keyboard number 1-0 (not numpad) then drop the macro to the corresponding number on your actionbar.

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