Elfyau's 8.3 Demo Warlock Macro **Updated 11-Aug-20**

i’m not getting that issue.

What level is your Warlock?

Hi, it’s max level, 120, but that problem has gone now :slight_smile: BTW, you have Summon Felguard in the Macro, but I am not aware of any way to put that on the action bar, the Macro keeps messaging me about not being able to summon felguard

I love your macros, the only problem I have with this one is that it always summons a felguard on the first cast. This makes me slow on the first hit. Is there anyway it can look and if felguard already up skip this opener?

what kind of content are you doing that you have trouble with?

I am doing the daily quests on Uldum and Panda.

Warlocks can’t run and cast , so its stop, cast, wait for felguard, hit and if I have to move its makes for really low hit points. Doing the quests for the rep bags

how are you with editing macro’s?

Terrible. I always use prepared ones or just key punch.

If its a problem please just ignore this, I like the rest of it so much that I will work with what you already have. Just keep going, people like you make it possible for the rest of us to play when it would be a lot harder if you weren’t helping.

you could put [combat] in the summon felguard command

/cast [nopet,nochanneling] Summon Felguard
/cast [nopet,nochanneling,combat] Summon Felguard

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Updated the macro - New macro in original post! Remember I love feedback! :smiley:


Long as your not wasteing you’re time on affl, then should be fine. Lol jk. This looks great and can’t wait to play with it when I get home.

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lol arn’t I always wasting time? :stuck_out_tongue: you will have to let me know what you think :slight_smile:

This did great. i love it.

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Awesome :slight_smile: did you try in a dungeon?

its very nice and no lockups had to take out the felguard part cuz it kept wanting to summon him but other than that my only complaint is sometimes itll say…your not in a party…other than that I like it very much

I haven’t seen this problem myself, there is nothing in the code that I can think of that’ll do something like that. Interesting…

Idk its weird may just be on my end but all well though I still enjoy it

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im not seeing it either