Elfyau's 8.3 ENHANCE Shaman Macro **Updated 21-Aug-20**

what macro was it`? really wanna knwo that one :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi been running this macro but started to notice i was not aplying flametongue and that had a impact on my dps i was running macro @30ms and changed it @70ms has recomensed my home and world latenci is normaly 10 to 15 ms still no results any ideas?

Edit 1: it does aply frostbrand every time

I noticed the same thing. you can either apply it manually or seperate them to give each their own line

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Update and changes to the macro. The new macro is in the original post. Let me know what you guys think!!

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nice work, the ST damage most definitely improved. keep up the great work.

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Thank you very much!! I will do my best :smiley:

Your macro’s are almost increadable, i always use them while playing class which idk.

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Thank you!! I hope to continue making usable macros for everyone!

which your macro is currently to do the largest dps you can paste them here please

I couldn’t really say for sure as it all depends on gear, stats, essence and azurite gear :confused:

and you can check my character Starcar EU Burning legion

and I still have a problem with this updated macro all the time I see that the item is not ready how to correct it ??

What level is your character?

explain to me what ms is and how to set @ 70 ms

What trouble exactly are you having with the macro? As for what ms is please read this post: What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)

Can I use this for a shaman thats leveling from 50 to 120? What modifications might I have to make in order for it to work best?

First just try it, if it doesn’t feel right, rename the macro (make a copy) and remove any spells you don’t have at your current level

I used this from level 20 to 110 and it was fantastic the whole time. top 2 DPS in instances pretty much all the time.

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I had been using it just like it is and I’m bottom dps, which is why I asked. Once or twice I’ve been at the top but I’m not sure what occurred, maybe a cool down. I haven’t been in enhancement long enough to be sure. I’ll go play it some more & see if I can improve. Maybe I need to speed up the MS.

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