Elfyau's 8.3 Feral Macro **Updated 14-Aug-20**

Best Feral macro so far

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@Elfyau, This macro contains 2 identical castsequence lines. Is this by design? Just wanting to understand how the macro functions and not sure why there are 2 (if by design)

Thanks and I love the macro

Yes it is by design, sometimes (not all of the time) it helps to improve the timing and DPS of a macro to do this :smiley:

Thanks @Elfyau! Either way, the macro rocks and makes being feral fun again!

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Your welcome, Glad your having fun!! :smiley:

@Elfyau why did you put Rip in the castsequence and Ferocious Bite in the PreMacro with Sabertooth talent? You need to cast Rip only once per fight on your target and it will be refreshed everytime you cast Ferocious Bite.

Because in Mythic plus dungeons I found that it kept dropping off during fights with heavy mechanics.

Try with a Premacro like this

/castsequence [nomod] reset=target Rake, Rip
/castsequence [nomod] reset=target Rake, Rip

If you have to change target or cleave is more functional than Primal Wrath. If you have to run away from your target, just target yourself or something/someone else and when you return on your main target you instantly apply Rake and 1 point Rip. I put a [nomod] condition to avoid cast if you switch target during AOE rotation.

I used to have that but like I said it usually dropped off especially during boss fights, thus the change.

Updated macro - New macro in original post!! Cheers <3

Appreciate all you have done… the one thing I find VERY frustrating with EVERY freaking thread it seems, for example here, you posted 3 different macros argh… why not just update main macro and put date updated or something? Gets so confusing knowing what to use and what one people are referring to on their posts. Maybe I am missing something?

The top one is the updated one, most all peeps that make macro’s make sure to keep the updated one’s at the top, one’s that are not are usually specific one’s for that person

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@Packsie is correct a year or 2 I had different macro’s for a reason:- One button then a separate for ST and AOE. As of this year, when I have updated a macro I use the old post and put the updated date in the title.

Trying to figure out why I have a null in the PreMacro also is there a way to readjust regrowth before Ferocious Bite?

the null is there to stop that line from repeating unless there is a new target. As for regrowth it is set to go off on proc only

Elfyau: Thank you for the macro. It’s not bad, and I’m trying to figure out how I can optimize it further. I’m currently sitting at an iLvl of 475.25, with a Crit of 36.64, Haste of 26.88, Mastery of 51.47 and a Versatility of 7.07 (My main role is Guardian Tank, so I have a much higher Versatility than I’d like for Feral, but it is what it is).

According to Raidbots on a patchwork fight of 5 minuites, I sim out to 75040 DPS. On a Raid training dummy for 5 minutes, without the benefit of Heroism or pre-potting, I am able to sustain 56K with the macro, which is an efficiency of 74.66%

I figure Hero would buy me another 5K DPS, so being able to do 61K DPS on a patchwork fight (an 81.33% efficiency) is not bad at all!

Again, I’m going to try to optimize it further, but I just wanted to give some data on what it’s producing at this moment.

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Thank you for the feedback!! If you manage to improve it further please let me know. I have always found feral fun, but it has been hard to get a decent consistent macro done for it.

pretty sure “nul” is suppose to be “null” /castsequence [mod:shift] reset=combat Primal Wrath, null; reset=combat Ferocious Bite, nul

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@Legendairy did it import without the extra ‘l’? because you are correct it should have 2 'l’s. It should read: /castsequence [mod:shift] reset=combat Primal Wrath, null; reset=combat Ferocious Bite, null

Hi, AOE does not work, I press the shift and the character beats an attack. please help me.