Elfyau's 8.3 Fury Warrior Macro **Updated 19-June-20**

Thank! Thanks to your macros, 18 keys passed in time for the guard druid.

Awesome!! great work! As for the shift I would probably suggest going through the keybinds and making sure shift isnā€™t bound to your camera for some reason :slight_smile:

It seems everyone looked, did not find. By 9.0 will you write macros?

Most likely I will be though not to sure about how I feel about so many choices in abilities

I think there is a problem with GSE but when I use my macro key I can not control my camera. Using R mouse button does not work as soon as i start using macros.

it is possible that one of your trinkets is a use at target location, go into gse go to tab 1 and uncheck the relevant trinket, then save.

yes the trinket Razdunkā€™s Big Red Button was creating the issue

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Thanks for the help!

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no worries :smiley: let me know how you go!

just wanna say since i came back to the game ive been using some of your macros and so far the only prob i have is that charge doesnt go off right in ur macro but if you move it to keypress and make it just /cast charge it will use that b4 anyother spell and when ur not at a certain distance it wont use it anyways so no need to add in null but overall great macros keep em up bro hopefully i can update my macros and we can maybe help each other . still trying to catch up in wow so its hard to remake macros / update them when they are working still lol keep up the great work. :slight_smile:


Sounds great! will have a look myself some stage (time given!) good to hear that your getting back into the game, I hope you find your groove!

I am trying this macro on my warrior, new to warriors. I am currently 454 ilvl and am only getting about 25k dps overall, even on a raid dummy. Am I doing something wrong?

What neck essence are you using? azerite traits also play a big part too

major - worldvein 3
minors - lucid dreams (3), focusing iris (2), and breath of the dying(2)

What is your in-game ping (ms) and what speed are you running the macro at?

Hello i have a question i got 473 ilvl and siming 76k dps but doing only like 50-60k dps on bosses i running 70ms and using Blood the enemy as major and purification protocol lucid dream and breath of the dying as minor i dont know if i do anything wrong or something need really help so i dont get kicked out of grps cause i doing so bad dps

Try running the macro @50ms and making your major Breath of the Dying

okey will try that thanks

still cant get more then 50k dps on bosses

What bosses? Try on a raiding dummie. 50k is a good dps anyway, sim never really been accurate for me. Im 472 ilvl

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