Elfyau's 8.3 Unholy DK Macro **Update 15-April-20**

Sounds good, ill check back, Other then that im a noob to unholy but feel like a god! thanks to your macro!

@Riddle Make sure the skill you want to use is not on cooldown/out of ressources(runes). For exemple, with my DH, if I press on Eye Beam modifier and skill on cd, the macro stops and waits until either the skill is off cd or I have enough ressource. Might be a similar problem

Updated the AHK script to work with modifiers: What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)

Do you have any plans in the future to make a updated frost dk macro? I just want to thank you for all the macros you have provided for the community.

@james-harris it is my intention after I run a few more dungeons with unholy to start working on a frost build, at this point though there is no eta.

how can i put in chains of ice and where? so i can do pvp with this macro.

all i need is chains of ice every 8 seconds or when ever as it requires 1 rune.

every person just runs away from me. so chains of ice will stop them for little while.

where do i incert it in?

Best bet is to put it in the pre macro section and put this there: /cast [nochanneling] Chains of Ice

how can I stop the macro from auto targeting, A few times ive pulled by accident cause I was looking in direction of other mobs after the pack we were on died

In the OnKeyPress section remove the line: /targetenemy [noharm]

awesome thanks, Also is there a was to make macro use epidemic more?

To be honest I do not remember off the top of my head where it is in the macro I will check next time I am on the toon :slight_smile:

Sounds good, Cheers!

I too am curious about this, I love this macro

Given where Epidemic is you can try switching it around with death strike so its first the DS second , remove that line and just use /cast Epidemic or make an AOE macro separately and replace death coil with Epidemic and try that.

Hey Elf

Is there any way you can make a Frost macro?

That will one of the next few macro’s I will be working on, nit busy atm though so no eta sorry

No worries. Looking forward to it.

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Hey @Elfyau ,

So Apocalypse doesn’t seem to be going off… also i set up my Nostromo like this:

Down Key
.03 sec delay
Up Key
.07 sec delay

and it repeats as long as i have it pressed… is this right?

So sorry @Sillk I totally missed your post :frowning: to answer your question it should be:

Down Key
.07 sec delay
Up Key
.07 sec delay

I have no idea why Apocalypse isn’t going off, but I will be posting an update shortly so hopefully, the update will have it working for you!!

Quick little update to Unholy DK for 8.3, rearranged rotation for hopefully better ST and AOE DPS. New macro in original post!

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