Thanks for all your hard work. Quick question, I’m new to this and trying to understand the point of the “Run @ 70ms”
I have an old Logitech G19 keyboard and don’t have any macros setup. The only macro I have is in the WoW Client from copying and pasting the string from above and then adding that macro to my action bar on the 1 key where auto-attack is by default. This is all done using the GSE addon. I have simply been spamming the 1 key and it seems to work out fine while questing. As far as I can tell, the modifier is simply holding the ALT key down, and spamming 1 in order to Death Strike to regain health. Again, seems to work fine.
I know there is a point to the 70ms you mentioned but I am missing it somehow. Currently, I’m just spamming the 1 key seems to be working but I would prefer to use this macro as it was designed - or at least understand the point of the 70ms. From the brief amount of skimming on this thread, it sound like I need to setup a specific macro for my keyboard (outside of the WoW game client) and then when in game, I would simply press and hold down the 1 key rather than spamming/button smashing it. Is that correct? Please let me know what I’m missing so I can run this to optimal performance. Thanks again!
Your very welcome and yes you are correct most of us use our mouse or keyboard to press and hold a key at a set speed (run @70ms) which is ms (milliseconds) I have made a post that might help you out (also after reading it type a search for it too there are a great many good posts here that may help you as well) read this and see if it puts you on a clearer path: What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)
Thanks for the quick reply. I read that post and didn’t understand it really at first but then it started to make sense. I was trying to use my Logitech G19 (super old, I know) keyboard software and couldn’t figure it out. I simply downloaded AHK and followed the steps on your guide and put the macro on the “3” key on my action bar. I tested it out on my hunter (not on DK yet) and it’s working flawlessly. This is amazing. Thank you so much, now it’s time to import macros for every alt and level them up before Shadowlands hits.
This is a great macro. Unfortunately i’m having an issue where upon after importing this, about 5-10 min later, i can click on interface icons/in game items and it will be unresponsive. Also, several key commands (z to unsheathe weapon, x to sit, etc) will not work as well… has anyone else experience this?
i had success with other macros on my hunter and warrior, tried a different set of unholy dk macros before this one, it’s only when i started using this one i have the issue. I logged on to my other toons and it doesnt happen
Hi Elfyau. I have few questions. Can you tell me if i use autohotkey program for macro can i get a ban? Srry for my bad english. And can you explain me why did you decide to run macro on 70ms? Do you have in game 70ms or? Can you give me advice if my ms in game is 45-50 do i still keep your ms for the macro or i change to my ms? Ty in advance.
you wont get band using AHK if used only to spam a single key (a 1 for 1 action) I chose 70ms as it was at the time in between suggest 50 for melee classes and 100 for casters. As I use ALL classes and specs it was too much hassle to keep swapping so I trialed 70 and it worked well so I base all of mine off of that. If you do want to try changing it start @70 and increase or decrease by increments of 10 until you are happy, unfortunately it is all trial and error. But always start at what the creator of the macro has suggested.
having the EXACT same issue, can’t do anything but auto attack and log out, nothing that requires a button works, can’t use quest item (when i first noticed it) can’t mount, etc etc- forced to log all the way out and back in to make it stop (er in this case start working…)
has happened 3 times in the dk starting area thus far
and no offense but this is my 1st attempt at using gse and i just pray its only this 1 that does it cause it’s been highly annoying lol
was gonna just lurk the forum but saw this guy had the exact same issue so had to make an account just to say it’s not just him having the issue…
this particular macro or in general? cause today all i’ve done is alt jump to tryout gse and no other macro (multiple diff macros from Elfyau) on any other class freezes with heart in it (and zero of the toons tested have it- because im just now returning to wow)
Hey Elfyau got few questions I use Razer Keyboard and mouse. My mouse have only 20ms option and I have no idea how to use Autohotkey does Razer NaGA Trinity ore the Razer ornata any option to do it for 70 ms like you?
Nice one.Mate thx for replay so fast i did the makro buton on my mouse but how is that with 70ms ? i mean i do 0.01 like this is this fine?sorry for such stupid questions