Elfyau's DF v1.3 Balance Druid **Updated 02-May-24**

I made some slight changes to this macro and its pumping! Thanks @Elfyau

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What are the changes?

Hi, still work


i use ST and AOE no one button macro


so the talents are the old talents anyone have a fix yet?

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LOL, look up above your post.

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meant a fix as a whole but i did see that thnx

Aaaahhh. Well with Elf’s macros, once he puts one out, he normally doesn’t come back to update til he got all the others that need to be updated done. He kinda goes down a list of specs, updates til he hit the bottom of the list and then starts over again. So getting a talent update is usually from other people or you can get it from wowhead/icy veins.

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ok awesome ty for the insight

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Elfyau will be indisposed for awhile. RL and his health has hit hard. please be patient for any updates or responses til he can. i will help as best i can when needed.

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do you know if there where talent updates or what I run? im returning to the game for the first time in a few years and everytime i copy the thing it says error

what you see in the OP is what he has last time he updated.

any other macros or anything you suggest?

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. let me know what you think, Cheers!


Hello, what about talents, for m+/raid (st/aoe) do you use the same talents for both ?

These were made on a test dummy and open world mobs (and maybe LFR). you will have to test them in m+ and raid to see how they work for you in those enviroments.

Elf has to many classes/specs he needs to update to test any macro more than β€œDo they work has programmed” lol

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@unkl_vagi while @Siodar is correct I use the same talents no matter what content I am in


As im new to this, is it the same if i make my mouse autoclick while holding at 250ms, or if i spam the key? I will test it later on when im home, but just wanted to know how people use this macros. Its my first automated macro.

Sir it is nice to see you back <3

@allenware Thank you! Hopefully, I can catch up soon and you will see a bit more of me :crossed_fingers:


Reporting back that this macro is great.
I dusted off my original druid from the start of Warcraft out to try this macro. He was bumped back down to level 30. The macro worked well from the start.
I have to say that this druid has become my favorite character now, and I have quickly leveled from 30 to 57 in just a few days of casually playing. I found that I like the seperate aoe, and st macros in dungeons, and the all in one macro in solo questing.
I wanted to thank you for your hard work. Looking forward to seeing what this macro does at level 70!

I do want to ask about this though…

"β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™ ## Usage Informationβ€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™

v1.2 Made @250ms
(Can set focus to heal or mage (or self) for Innervate)
SHIFT:- For AOE DPS = (does this mean the all in one macro is set for st unless you hold shift? I have issues with my hands is there any way that you can move the shift key to the alt key modifier? I cant reach the shift key well. Thank you in advance.

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